Hi, was just checking out the Ajaxian theme and thought it looked pretty killer. However, I guess it is incompatible with Gallery 2.1RC1? Does anyone know if there are current plans to make it compliant with the latest Core API and theme API? (7.1, 2.3 respectively) Just curious...
Posts: 1894
Can you provide a link to the theme ? I can't find it. If I do I might be able to help out ;)
The Termite
Posts: 16
I haven't seen much discussion of it, but it definitely looks nice. If it just needs porting to the latest core/theme APIs I'd be more than happy to help out too. Was just curious if there was already some action in that camp or whatever, but it's a contributed theme so maybe I should just contact the author...
Let me know what you think!
Posts: 8601
we haven't had the resources to update it for 2.1 (shouldn't be too hard), so feel free to do so!
Posts: 1894
Well if the author is around I'm sure it shouldn'e be that big of a deal to get it ported.
I'll take a look as well to see what I come up with

The Termite
Posts: 1894
Ok, I've got it installed on a gallery 2.1 but I'm still running in a couple issues. When i get it worked out I'll post it here as a zip file ;)
The Termite
Posts: 16
Posts: 1894
Try this out and let me know ;)
The Termite
Posts: 1894
I see two error on top (bitchin about line 745 on GalleryTheme.class ...) of my page but I also have it with gallery 2.0 so I guess it's unrelated to the port and I'm not sure what the reason is.
Good luck tho ;)
The Termite
Posts: 16
Sweet! Works pretty good now. Theme itself needs a little bit of cleaning up, and it seems to have trouble with embedded movies (quicktimes, etc) for some reason though. I'll look into this stuff and make the appropriate mods. Thanks for getting me started, it's been a huge help
Did you commit to CVS, or...? I'm not sure how user contributions are handled with the gallery project in regards to code commits. Should I upload my mods to the forum here or is there a formal process for submitting them? There's probably info on the site somewhere, I just have to hunt it up..!
Posts: 1894
I have not commited the changes to CVS ... I dunno if I should. maybe asking the author before would be good ?
Mindless, what do you think ?
The Termite
Posts: 8601
Please do commit the changes, but change the location.
Commit a new copy of the theme under gallery2/themes. In your commit comment mention it is updated for G2.1 and moved from /g2_themes/ajaxian
I'll be doing some cleanup in gallery-contrib after 2.1 release; i'll take care of the old version then.
Posts: 1894
All Set
The Termite
Posts: 56
Hello, when will Ajaxian theme be available in CVS? I haven't found it yet.
Alexis Bellido - Ventanazul web solutions
Posts: 1894
I had uploaded it in CVS a little while ago (unless someone else took it out
I also know that at times it take a looooog time to get the "public" CVS updated. If you wish to use it you can download the archive abovem, it should be functional
See you !
The Termite
Posts: 56
Ok, thanks a lot!
Alexis Bellido - Ventanazul web solutions
Posts: 1
Has anyone been able to fix the GalleryTheme.class error or found a way around it?
Posts: 1894
I have not looked into it, but I can

The Termite
Posts: 1894
First I found that if you do a edit->album->theme and make sure you have at least 1 block on each category (sidebar, album,photo) the error goes away. You can also set that up in the admin panel in th theme settings for that specific theme.
I'm gonna look into why this error shows up if there is no block (it shouldn't)
Let you know !
The Termite
Posts: 8601
I have removed the old version of ajaxian from gallery-contrib CVS.
Then I finally took a look at ajaxian myself.. very cool! I did some code cleanup and fixed some issues to get it ready to migrate into main gallery CVS.. I'll be committing it there in a few minutes and then removing the gallery-contrib files. Thanks Termitenshort for getting this process started
Posts: 1894
welcome, always glad to help out

The Termite
Posts: 9
Can you please post a .zip of Ajaxian here? (I haven't figured CVS out yet.)
Thanks very much! Ajaxian is perfect for us.
Posts: 1894
Did you not read this post ? the zip is in one of the other message ....
The Termite
Posts: 9
You discussed making other changes in CVS after the zip above (theme-ajaxian-g2.1-v0.9.zip) was posted on 2/18... I was hoping there might be a newer version.
Thanks again!
Posts: 8601
click "downloads" above.. you'll find info on nightly snapshots.
Posts: 9
Thanks -- I found a snapshot .zip of Gallery 2.2 and pulled out a 1.1 version of the theme. I love this theme, but we have a lot of videos to deal with, and right now, with .WMV files, it does something very funky -- if a video is selected, it will go directly to the photo page, and it is sometimes difficult to get back to the album level.
I can think of a few ways that we could use videos with this theme:
1) Move the videos into a subfolder with a different theme (kludge).
2) Fix the theme to display a large thumbnail at the album level when it finds a video.
3) Play the video at the album level.
4) Separate the videos into their own sub-section, like sub-albums. Go directly to the photo level when clicked.
Of these, I like #4 the best, as video (wmvs at least), do not work well inside the album slideshow -- they take too long to load, and I just like the sub-section feature of ajaxian and think it could be expanded. (How about sub-sections for other document types, like PDFs, DOC files, links and comments each with cool interactive ajax controls?
I'm thinking that if I can find the code that builds and draws the list of sub-albums, I should be able to add a modified version for videos.
Can anyone tell me if there is a simple check to determine if an item is a video file?
Posts: 8601
{if $child.entityType=='GalleryMovieItem'}
we'll gladly review and apply any patch you put together to improve video handling for this theme!
Posts: 5
i did downloaded it and put in my gallery 2.1.2. however it complain about the API not being correct.
How do i change my core API and them API so that it works?
Posts: 8601
by upgrading to current svn / nightly snapshot, which includes this theme.. don't know what you downloaded, but it's likely old.
Posts: 7
the zip works fine with the version of gallery that I'm using, however I don't see anywhere to disable the 'debug output' that appears along the left hand side - this shows up whether you are logged in or not.
i'm not familiar with the theme system in gallery at all, anyone provide a quick tip on disabling this debug output?
thanx in advance
Posts: 7
ok for those that need / want to disable the debug output - it's in the javascript/thumbnail-functions.php
set DEBUG_AJAXIAN = false; /* Show debug output down the side */
annoying that this isn't available from the admin panel though.
the theme doesn't seem to work with the 'make highlight' feature as well - it's just sitting on 'loading album' and never actually loads the highlight image. not sure what's up with that.
otherwise i like the overall layout, will keep experimenting with it.
Posts: 1
Not sure if this is the same problem as I had, but the symptoms ('loading album' text not disappearing) was the same. Workaround for me was to edit javascript/thumbnail-functions.js file and comment out contents of updateItemTitle function. This causes item titles not to appear, but makes the "hanging" go away. Like this:
Posts: 8601
can either of you post detailed steps to see "loading album" text not disappearing? or post a link to a page that does this?
Posts: 32509
i could reproduce the "loading album" issue with an album that has just a single image.
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