Under Drupal it shows nothing but, Photo Map Filtered on Album: Англия
In standalone it shows also interesting phrase:
There was no item found in the selected Album: Англия , is this some hacking attempt ?
But the is no map showing , so nothing to see...
Gallery version (not just "2"): 2.0.1+
Module / Theme name & version: 0.4.10
Posts: 1894
Yep. just found that out ... now the "Ahow Album in Google" is only showing the current album and it's sub-album... So if the current album doesn't have item to show, it will throught this error. I need to figure out a way to limit this link to appear only when items are there somewhere.
It might be a bit chalenging. Maybe I'll chnage the message only

The Termite
Posts: 1894
Basically if you click on the link while being at the root of your gallery, everything is fine. please post a bug

The Termite
Posts: 243
M... I figure out how it works. That all right sidebar is a little bit strange.
In general,
if you inside the albums and see all thumbnails. You click for example "Edit Albums" and edit parent element - Album.
As for map,
if you inside album, I thought, you click "Show on in the Map" and that shows you parent element - Album.
From the other hand,
if you inside albums, and click "Reorder" you operate with items - photo, that are inside,
you're right with your way of showing, but this is all a litle bit confusing. There are ways:
1. leave as it is, and add functionality to show on the map parent album when you click being on the photo page (page with photo thumbnails)
2. just to remove link
I added bug on sf here
Posts: 1894
This is what I could copme up with very easily. I chaged the message when an "bad" album is being shown the map. let me know what you think.
The Termite
Posts: 243
IT's sits the common sense, but in my case (and only in my case) i have both possibilites. And may be even need two links:
1. show map of the item inside
2. show map of the parent albums... see,
My structure is:
- World
- Country
- City 1
- City 2
So, when I'm in City. See Cities' photo. I preee Show on THe map and see this city (parent albums) on the map. right?
When I'm browing conutry i can click and see the parent albums (only Conutry) and all cities (current situation) => need both links
When I'm in the world (upper level) i also can see just the overall map, or the ALL countiries on the map (that are included here).
Now I think there shuld be two links. And may the third: SHOW ALL MAP. Link managenment? =)
That's only my opinion for today, but i thinnk it's reasonable.
in fact, i'm completely satisfed (and even more) with that I have now. it's great!
Posts: 243
and I also think (agagin my humble opinion):
if no items to show, there show be no link at all. or link giving a map (just map with all markers), but not the warning message.
Posts: 1894
That last idea is obvously the best but I have to think that trought a little bit
The Termite
Posts: 108
Agree. Peronally I like the "old" link better. Now there is no link to the map from "unmapped" albums. Also if you look at an album where no photos are linked to the map, (album marker only) you get the error message.
Posts: 243
The new-style link appeared only becouse of one reason: to show map with limited number of items (parent albums/items inside) on the map IN SCALE. In other words, with ZOOMLEVEL = what_is_set, like 4,5,6 e.t.c and not 15,16,17. Old link doens't have this funcionality, because it showed map everytime with one zoomlevel.
Posts: 108
Yes, I can see the advantages of this new link. And I agree in
In my opinion, links on a web page should not lead to a dead end. If a link says Show Items on a Map, the items shuld be present. If not, the link should not be there. It's not nice for visitors to end up with "No items to show. Go back!"
Some suggestions:
- If no items to show, no link (thus no access to the map from current album, even if album marker is selected)
- If no items to show, then this link should be replaced by the "old" one
- Two links, ("Show Album on Map" and "Default Map")if no items to show, then just the latter
- Option in Admin to choose which link to use
- Other suggestions?
I'm sure Thermite will solve this "problem" for us
Posts: 243
I just figure out that it is not working. ;=) This new link shows all items with default (ot what) big map. e.g. user navigate in Italy:
http://www.travelcamera.ru/gallery/countries/italy, he click View Album on a Map and see the MAP of ITALY (probably i can set it up in ZoomLevel for parent album) with all items (cities if italy) on this map.
Of the navigathe the WORLD Album (or conutries) and see all conutries on the map (albums inside) with zoomlevel setted for the WORLD Alubm. You can devide as you want for regions e.t.c but the idea is to:
show all items inside the current album on the map with the zoom level setted for it's parent album.
I more or less aggree with previos post about how links should appear.
Posts: 1894
I'm going to try to implement this one:
I'll get it done tonight and sorry all for the inconveniences (i didn't think this one through....)
The Termite
Posts: 243
[0.4.10c] so, how can I make map module to show my alubums in zoom that is set to it (0..17) by the Show Albums on the Map link? Now it's showing on the full map without zoom dependance.
Posts: 1894
I don;t understand that, there is only 2 ways to setup the zoom level for the Map:
- Manually in the Admin Panel and it will always default to that
- Using the Autocenter & zoom, will choose the "best" zoom & center depending on the items being shown
Let me know If I missed the spot

The Termite
Posts: 243
o! that's what I need. thx u. Now it's almost perfect. Have to study a course: "How to use Google Map Module"... =)
Posts: 1894
I'm going to setup a training camp over webex for that. It will $1000 :D
Just kidding, the doc need some refresh... Once the bugs are out of the current releases I will wok on that and stop dev for the time being (maybe not a bad idea anyway ;))
The Termite
Posts: 243
I think that user have to install (reading docs proiry) and start using it without reading... I just wanted to notice that map module is the most complicated from them , because it's very hard to understand how it's really working and what for every fuction is until you switch on every fuction. activate it, produce 10+ albums and see it all in real... In general, gallery is not kind of that because there are some "tips" along the interfance which helps user to understand how this or that function will work without activating it. I think there is also some little area to improve tips (text) in the module itself and to write some more detailed description in the Admin interface...
May be I'm not really like, because I'm also not english speaker, and some points were completely in dusk until I switch it on.
Right now I still can't understand:
- what is group feature for? is there any site where I can see how it looks like? I looked on codex for docs, but didn't find the old one.
- is this possible to make routes by users? (and not admin? as I understand that's not possible... right?)
In any case, thank you again for the great work.
I'll show some day my map with many many makrers on it... =)))
May be by this time I'll also get know how automatic regroup works... Now there're two markers in Cuba and some in Italy. They're near, but when I swithc on this function, nothing seem to be changing... 15px - is this much ot not?
And finally,
the only one question which is really important from my feedback is:
- how to make less colors? e.g. stay only FOUR instead of all?
- how to restrics users to use only TWO colors of this FOUR? (the rest is for admin only)
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Posts: 1894
I can make it more simple and remove all the feature maybe ? sorry I couldn't resist
. In fact I'm working on making the all thing Dumb proof ... I'm going to be using my wife as guinee pig. She will be installing the module by herself and also using it al and tell me if she understand nothing (probably EVERYWHERE, she doesn't use that at all ....)
The next version will have all kind of tips, help and stuff along the way to guide people throught the all deal from start to finish. New installs as well as upgrade. I know it seems a lot but it needs to be done like you said. Too complicated of a module.......
Well that could be a problem, but then again I'm french and my wife is indonesian so among all of us we should get something pretty easy to understand, trust me ;)
Groups are for .... a ... groups ? Like you create a sort of a fake album witch can "contain" photos, albums or even groups.
Each group is then shown on the map with a marker and infowindow and when you click on it's thumbanil it will show you an map with only the item that you had selected to be part of that group
Nope, unless you make them admin of your gallery -> bad idea. This makes this feature pretty limited in a sense. My guess is that eventually we will have to have a fully multi-user version of the module (that will require quite a bit of work ... trust me on that
Sure, sharing the luuuv is a good idea. I use a map on my gallery to show where I went since I had my digital camera (4 years ago) and soon I'm going to scan old pics and put them in as well so I will have 10years of vacation on it
Well, to be honest I have not written this part of the code. It's still quite the mistery for me and it's causing a lot of trouble that I don't what's happenning in this piece os the app.... I need to look into it and figure it all out.
15px does not seem much really but it will depend on your zoom level, zoom out all the way to 17 and most markers will be regrouped then ;)
Well the first one is possible if you have Imagemagick installed, you can create your own set of markers with selected colors or size, etc ...
If you don't have Imagemagic, you can edit a file called colorlist in the markerset folder that you use and remove the color you don't want
The second item isn't possible yet. There has been VERY little demand for improving in the rights area and the map module today has little to no rights management. Something that need to be added at the same time as we work on a multi-user version ;)
Well ... welcome
My conclusion to al this:
Steps after steps we will get a tool that everyone can use but for the time being I'm pretty limited in time for coding and yet I still find some time to move it forward ;)
See you all later !!