You sure have been busy. 
0.4.10 (FF
Before I go down the road of trying to figure out what is
wrong with my system/implementation I must ask: Does anybody
else experience strange behavior when clicking on a thumbnail
in the thumbnail bar? I find that the red arrows appear to
work properly on mouseovers; but the click appears to be
associating itself with the wrong images (or non at all).
Moving over thumbnails in the bar in succession eventually
causes markers to disappear. They do not come back. The arrow
continues to follow the mouseovers... just the marker(s) are
gone. Zooming out several zoomlevels and zooming back in
causes the markers to re-appear... only to repeat the same
Maybe the new history stuff is involved? I get a javascript
console error regarding view_history being undefined.
Basically, I guess for me, the thumbnail bar is operating
like it's had a few too many. 
Posts: 1894
it's related to the Automatic regroup and I just found that out .... I need to look into it to find a solution.
When I have it enable I have very strange behaviour and when it's disabled I still get some funny things. removing the code works ....
bottom line, i need to review that code (i had never touched it until last night to fix a small bug)
Hopefully I'll find out what's going down

The Termite
Posts: 364
Termite, for you...

Glad it's not me and mine.
Posts: 1894
MapHeader.tpl after line 334 (marker.iconImage.setAttribute("title",title);)
Seems to fix the issue ... I will still be looking into the all code

The Termite
Posts: 364
Unfortunately, no.
Posts: 1894
did you delete your template caache after making th change ? it's working here :-D (assuming the automatic regroup is OFF of course...) turning Automatic regroup ON bring other problems on the table :D
The Termite
Posts: 364
Sorry man... I had not disabled automatic regroup. It indeed
does work.
I think, at least for me, IE is messed up. Clicking Zoom In from the
infowindow does zoom in; but, the stock (large) control is not
updated. The new history stuff does not appear to be working. The red
arrows seem to have their own idea of the correct coordinates.
I don't know if this behavior is related or not.
Posts: 1894
OO ok it's better
It's been like this for a while I keep forgetting to fix the problem ...
It was working during our tests and now refuses to cooperate for me too ... I'm wondering If changed something that prevents if from working correctly. I'll look.
That's actually working ok for me ... I'm not sure what would cause that (beside the automatic regroup that messes it up BIG time)
See you
Posts: 364
Using the same album/module/gallery/everything... except IE instead
of FF yields quite different results. In IE the new history stuff
never accumulates any history (at least it does not show on the screen).
The infowindows do not show up when a thumbnail is clicked. Clicking
on first thumbnail appears to do nothing. Clicking on second displays
a red arrow about 500 feet to the north of the marker. Going back to the
first and clicking causes a red arrow to appear about 500 feet to the
south of the marker. Always no infowindows. Very strange. Admin is
configured for 95%x95% map.
Interestingly... I usually do not have the browser set to full screen
(actually large window) and the above happens; but, when I enlarge the
window to full screen and do a refresh (it is necessary to make the
map redraw to current window size) the above description of the red
arrows appears to go away. The infowindows still do not appear.
Don't know if it's related, but...
I see that there is a javascript error reported referring to
Line 375, Character 726
Error: Unexpected call to method or property access.
The URL....
Posts: 364
Just to mention... I find IE performance with this release to
be pretty slow. This could be related to my described experiences.
To be honest, I use FF and . . . well, nevermind.
Posts: 1894
I agree with you the performances, they are horrible on IE7 but with IE6 at home it's quite ok ... I'll have to check with a less powerfull machine :D
The history stuff seems to work for me somewhat. It accumulates but when I click on a item it throught an error
Infowindow seems to show up for me just fine (i'm using the tabbed.inc)
The red arrow is alway on target (unless I activate regroup and then it goes completly nuts)
I need to do more checking on all this... it's somewhat very worrysome because that's very heratic behaviour you are discribing
/me worried
The Termite
Posts: 364
I'm using IE6 on not a dumpy machine.
I switched to tabbed.inc without improvement.
It's lost it's mind.
No others have commented about any of this. It may only be me.
Posts: 27300
I see that behavior as well. I think I might have sent you the wrong file and can't seem to find the right one now. I might have to start again unless you can see the error.
I think it has to do with calling a function from within another function. (goHistory() inside showMeTheMap())
Posts: 1894
OOOOO now that I think of it: To make the history work at all (and the map displays), after I merge your changes I had to move some of the code into the "ShowMeTheMap" function.
I'm not quite sure why exactly but it was a necessity ("map" was not a recognized variable or something of the sort ....)
This could be the root of the problem.