[MAP MODULE 0.5.0] Problems with admin screen
Joined: 2003-09-10
Posts: 107 |
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I've tried loading the new 0.5.0 map module under a 2.1RC1 Gallery and when loading the admin screen I can input my key as a new configuration but if I try to change any other setting on the settings screen and save I get the same default values one. I know there are more bugs with this version, so there's no rush. The rest of the gallery works properly Eduo |
Posts: 1894
Ok, I see that the problem is very similar to the one with 0.4.10
I will re-release new version tonight of both module with the latest fixes. There is a bunch of little files I need to add together to make the "c" version of 0.5.0
If you can do more testing, it would be greatly appreciated as well. 0.5.0 is the version that will be the default soon and I want to nail it a bit better but I'm lacking time to test it
Thanks a lot eduo :D
The Termite
Posts: 107
No problem whatsoever. I can't do any testing right now as I can't set-up much of the settings. I have tried adding coordinates to a picture through a map but the map doesn't load.
Other things I've tried:
I get the "Map" tab when editing a photo. The "Grab Coordinate from Map" function doesn't display a map. I haven't tried the "Get via address" because I don't have addresses that resolve to coordinates (it would be a good idea to include a "Get via Google Maps URL"). I used the coordinates from a Google Maps URL (41.88926,12.478189) and saved it without issue. The GPS coordinates persist after logging out and entering again, so they're saved correctly.
The picture I've been testing with is this: http://www.eduo.info/gallery/v/MyLife/Italy-200507/ale.jpg.html
And the map for this picture should be:
(Warning: It's SLOOOOW, I can't stress this enough
Posts: 1894
Can you try to add coordinates to 3 pictures. there might be an issue with Map using 2 pic (and I also know why ... maybe
Are you unable to save ANY settings or is it just the first page (general) ?
Thanks for the link

The Termite
Posts: 1894
The reason for the map now showing up is because you are either using 0.5.0 (not "b") or you maybe didn't clear the cache since the upgrade, coz you're getting an error that was fixed in 0.5.0b (bad code from me ...
lemme know
The Termite
Posts: 107
Just woke up.
You're right. I upgraded but didn't clear the cache.
I'll download 0.5.0c, clear the cache and retry. With three more pictures of the same album.
Posts: 107
Ok. Just completed this.
Now settings seem to work except if I select "Autocenter and autozoom". When I check this and save I get a "There was a problem processing your request." and other changes in settings in that session will be ignored (succesfully saved settings from previous sessions are kept).
Something else:
When installing the module I get first the normal "Install" option and after it's installed I get "configure" and "uninstall". From the "configure" screen it's not obvious that the plug-in is not yet activated so it might be a good idea that when the user is moved from the module screen to the configure screen the first time the "Save Settings" button could be complemented with a "Save Settings and Activate Module". I always forget it's not activated after saving settings and editing photos start throwing errors.
I've also gone through all the settings tabs enabling everything just to put it under stress, but it all saved correctly. There are no icons shown in the table for "automatic item regroup" but still lets you select one. If you upload any image then it shows the pre-defined ones.
If I try to "Populate all EXIF GPS infos in the pictures" it works for a few minutes and nothing loads. I end up getting a timeout error. I have a large-ish gallery, so it may be affecting this.
After installing I went to the same photo as above and obviously the coordinates had been lost. "Get via map" now works correctly and I was able to select coordinates for 6 photos. I selected 3 very close and 3 further away.
Something I noticed: The "Get Via Map" doesn't show the current photo. I had opened 7 pictures to edit the maps in different tabs and I had to go back in all of them and do it in order (I'm more of a "chaotic" person
. It would be a good thing if the current photo thumbnail was shown in the "Get via map" (in my case it shows the "Random image" block, which in one case, by sheer luck, showed another of the pictures I had opened and I put the incorrect coordinates before I realised).
In the end I opened google maps in another tab and started going through the places and copying the coordinates from the URL.
I created a group for these called "Rome". I noticed the preview for adding items to the group appears in a strange location and I guess it's a CSS issue. I include a screenshot of this. It's in GIF because the text is clearer, but the picture looks awful, pay no attention
Edited Pictures:
From Album:
When trying the "See album in Map" I get this error:
Warning: assert(): Assertion "!empty($ids)" failed in /Library/WebServer/Documents/eduo/gallery/modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class on line 1714
(I get the same if I try "Show Google Map" in the settings scree)
Map Group:
I have no clue how to display the map group if I can't display the map for an album. Sorry.
I did put coordinates to the album, though. Didn't help, but they're there. Centered on Rome's Colosseum
So far no real issues except those above. I did all this (obviously) with Map API V1.0
Posts: 1894
Damn that's some good testing there !!!!
Thanks a lot I'll be working on fixing those issues tonight ;)
The Termite
Posts: 107
That was the idea, I thought
No rush, though. I guess you have more urgency in fixing 0.4.0 than 0.5.0 (as fixes to 0.4.0 may transfer to 0.5.0 and save double-work).
I'll leave it at that for the moment, as I'm stumped. I may start putting more coordinates in some of the pictures from trips and such but I'm worried I might have to reinstall the module and all the coordinates will be lost (when I uninstall the older version or if the data format changes).
Posts: 1894
No worries about that. The data format should not change anymore and if it does I will provide a way to upgrade from one format to the other. I'm also a user of that module and I wouldn't it to brake completly
You can start using it seriously if you wish to do so and i'll get a new version out soon for gallery 2.1 ;)
Thanks again
PS: add yourself to the map : http://termite.responsiveweb.com/MapModuleTeam/main.php
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Would you mind gicing me access to your admin gallery section. I'd like to check on that empty($id) problem ....
The Termite
Posts: 107
Sure. What email should I use?
Posts: 1894
you can use PM or
The Termite
Posts: 107
Done! Sent via mail!
Posts: 14
Do you find a answer to the prob 'aserf' ?
I receive the error message :
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www/www4/modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class on line 93
Warning: assert() [function.assert]: Assertion "!empty($ids)" failed in /home/www/www4/modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class on line 1825
I use module google map 0.5.2a with G2.2 :
Gallery version = 2.2 noyau 1.2.0
PHP version = 5.2.0 apache2handler
Serveur Web = Apache/2.2.3 (Linux/SUSE)
Base de données = mysqlt 5.0.26, lock.system=flock
Boîtes à outils = Dcraw, Exif, Ffmpeg, Getid3, LinkItemToolkit, NetPBM, Gd, ImageMagick
Accélération = none/0, full/900
Système d'exploitation = Linux server2 #1 SMP Mon Nov 27 11:46:27 UTC 2006 x86_64
Thème par défaut = matrix
gettext = activé
Langage = fr_FR
Navigateur Web = Opera/9.22 (X11; Linux x86_64; U; fr)
Lignes dans la table GalleryAccessMap = 60
Lignes dans la table GalleryAccessSubscriberMap = 2411
Lignes dans la table GalleryUser = 3
Lignes dans la table GalleryItem = 2411
Lignes dans la table GalleryAlbumItem = 2
Lignes dans la table GalleryCacheMap = 3