I trying to figure out a bug with the "zoom in" link that is displayed in the infowindow bubble under the pic thumbnail. Regular mode works fine but is broken with a joomla embedded site, anyone have a working embedded .5 version up and running so I can compare, with any backend.
Posts: 1894
I will have one tonight ;)
The Termite
Posts: 1894
'lo !
I had installed Mambo a little bit ago and to check what the problem was here's what I've done so far:
- I d/l and installed the com_gallery 2.0.3 deal to get the gallery embedded in my mambo install
- I check to see I could get to my gallery 2.1 and it seemed to work
-> I do get this erro thought: sync error: We can sync your account to G2, ask webmaster tolower security settings or look up what the problem is.
- I tried the map and it displayed "correctly", of course the 100% deal for the map size does not work in embedded (which I could look into fixing but I'm not sure how)
- I'va changed to a more reasonable size so it looks "ok"
- I'm using the tabbed infowindow and the zoom-in links work correctly
At this point i'm not an embedded mode expert plus I don't know my way around mambo so well, I've never really used it per say. But for some strange reason it seems to qork for me ...
Now I wonder if the problem is with Joombla (vs Mambo). I could try with Joombla as well, but they're really very much the same thing

Or the problem is specifically with your install ? (i'm using all defaults in Mambo)
Or maybe we're not using the same component thing ? version ?
Or simply the changes I made lately to correct other totally unrelated bugs made this work
That's my report on this test, pretty successfull
If anyone has another experience, please make sure it's posted in here.
The Termite
Posts: 224
Just to update this thread if anyone else having this problem, it was broken because of SEF, having the search engine freindly urls (like mod rewrite) on in joomla/mambo was breaking the zoom, and I think the next version of the map has this fixed.