I thought I start a thread that we can all follow just to have some basic discussions as well as news about the module.
Support needs to be done in a separate thread.
This is ONLY for dicussing feature improvements and cool stuff comming 
The Termite 
Posts: 1894
As soon as I have released the version 0.4.10d (same corrective measure as 0.5.0d) I will be working on the interface itself to make it a LOT more friendly and easy to use.
A 3rd party is currently reviewing the all thing for me and will have a list (well probably many lists) of comments on how to improve the interface.
The next version will combine feature addition (many) and interface improvements !
Stay tuned

The Termite
Posts: 1894
Just a quick note ... I will be on a business trip for 2 weeks and will have VERY limited time to do some coding on the module
for the coming 2 weeks I will only be answering e-mail and forum item but the module will not progress until I return.

See you soon !
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Ok, part of my trip has been canceled so I'll be hangon out in Paris with my familly with Internet connection. I guess I can considered that I'm back
I'll be working on correcting the many bugs found and getting a new version out

The Termite
Posts: 1894
I just want to let you all know that I'll be doing some serious coding this week !
I'll be releasing 2 new versions with all fixes for both gallery 2.0 & 2.1 as well as a potential new version for gallery 2.1

See you !
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Quick news, I have received from one of my buddy a copy of MAC OS/X that works for i86 machine so with VMware Server being free I can now do some testing on Safari
Hopefully I'll get os/x to work and I can do greater testing than usual

The Termite
Posts: 1894
allright so I'm going to focus my time on the porting to the Google API v2 as it has been officially released.
THere was many changes in 2.44 which masically prevent the module from working at all ... Here is a lit of things that do not work without making changes in the code:
- Custom Control -> need code change (feasable)
- GxMagnifier -> I'm not sure why, the new version was working and now the icon doesn't display ... should be fixable
- Tooltip - need to create custom ones
- Show/Hide -> no solution to date
- Regroup -> no solution to date
- Some other minor stuff but we'll get them to work
- The legend doesn't show up
- The thumbnail bar seems broken
See you !
The Termite
Posts: 1894
I might be looking at the overview map instead of re-using the GxMagnifier extension for the "docked" version .... we'll see

The Termite
Posts: 1894
Well I got the "regular" GxMagnifier to work again with v2
1 task is done. I'll be working on it tomorrow now... I'm tired.
The Termite
Posts: 224
have you seen the new zoom in thing http://maps.google.com/ , maybe its older but I just saw it today. This is also kinda cool http://weblogs.asp.net/rajbk/archive/2005/07/23/420315.aspx
and how this uses photos http://maps.pixagogo.com click on soeones photos. Just some stuff ive seen lately.
Posts: 1894
I've managed to get the show/hide, the regroup and the thumbnail bar to work again but because of the fact that our handy function (show/hide) are not supported in the new map version I have to use addoverlay/removeoverlay and it's much slower .... at least when debug is enabled

We'll see how it goes for you guys but it's quite slow on my machine. When debug is OFF it works great though
Summary: *** UPDATED 4/16/06 9AM CST ***
- GxMagnifier -> Fixed
- Show/Hide -> Fixed
- Regroup -> Fixed
- The thumbnail bar seems broken -> Fixed
- The thumbnail bar doesn't show up on the right -> Fixed
- Custom Control -> need code change (not too hard)
- Tooltip - need to create custom ones
- The legend doesn't show up on the left side ?!
- The filter doesn't show up on the left side ...
I really like the new zoom thing (that's what I meant by "overview map"). I really think I'm going to remove the docked GxMagnifier and put that instead

The zoom thing I saw before. it might be good to implement a bit later (like when the module works for v2
Pixagogo is actually a feature request but it require too much changes. It is cool tho
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Summary Update 04-22-06
- GxMagnifier -> Fixed
- Show/Hide -> Fixed, need to be looked at again, found problem with Auto Regroup
- Regroup -> Fixed
- The thumbnail bar seems broken -> Fixed
- The thumbnail bar doesn't show up on the right -> Fixed
- The legend doesn't show up on the left side -> Fixed
- The filter doesn't show up on the left side -> Fixed
- GxMagnifier docked removed and changed for Overview Map
- Custom Control -> need code change (not too hard)
- Tooltip - need to create custom ones
I'll be fixing everything tomorrow morning

The Termite
Posts: 1894
Summary Update
- GxMagnifier -> Fixed
- Show/Hide -> Completely Fixed
- Regroup -> Fixed
- The thumbnail bar seems broken -> Fixed
- The thumbnail bar doesn't show up on the right -> Fixed
- The legend doesn't show up on the left side -> Fixed
- The filter doesn't show up on the left side -> Fixed
- GxMagnifier docked removed and changed for Overview Map
- Custom Control -> Fixed
- Tooltip - need to create custom ones (will do later)
This means that 0.4.11a is on it's way with support for google API v2.
0.6.0a will take me a bit longer as I'd like to add a few features for you all
The Termite
Posts: 224
Posts: 1894
Well I've ran into some issue with Internet Explorer and the Custom controls
I basically got the PNG bug crap which was acting up BIG time on me ... Anyways After making some more changes and such, it turns out that the problem has a solution that slows down Internet Explorer quite a bit. it's still usable with 500 items but noticeably slower than FireFox.
Now the good thing is that Internet Explorer 7 does NOT have the PNG problem so the speed issue will be resolved when people switch to it.
This also means that I need to add some code to detect which version of the browser is being used ...
Anyway i'm just rambling around but I should get some pretty decent version of the module that I can start doing some testing on
See you all soon !
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Hello Everyone !
I got it ... I have a functioning google map module with the previous features all running on Google Map API v2
You can take a look at my last test with the Custom controls and the tooltips here: http://test.perso.mine.nu/test.php
Also I have a couple things to polish in the admin interface for the custom controls and then it's release time for 0.4.11a !!!
Keep you all posted !
The Termite
Posts: 224
how is that done, through the summary/description? or is there now a custom infowindow field to enter data into?
Posts: 1894
I'm not sure I understand the question
. What is "that" in "how is that done" ?
i apologize for my limited english skills here
Posts: 1023
Wow, Termitenshort - the new API looks great - are there new satelite pictures used as basis? I have the feeling the details are much better (looking at my homeregion) than with the current version of the module.
And finally - Roads for Europe, yeah !
Could that be?
Many Thanks for your continued support
Gallery version = 2.2-cvs core 1.1.2
PHP version = 5.1.1 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.2 (Win32) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.3RC3-dev mod_ssl/2.2.2 OpenSSL/0.9.8b-dev
Database = mysql 5.0.18-nt-log,
Posts: 1894
yes, you are right, there is 2 additional zoom for imagery that can be used with API v2 (if you look at the zoom slider, it changes when you go to imagery vs MAP)
And also Google added routes for all europe (which is awsome !!)
Another cool thing that you don't see on that test page is the overview map, it replaces the GxMagnifier "Docked" version and it looks real nice ... I'll put it up in the test page in a couple of days
See you !
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Well now ... It seems that this module is the never-ending story ....

I was trying out some of the features and stumbled upon the tabbed window ... of course I thought, it's now built-in to the API code and the funciton we had does not work anymore .... Oh well.
I look closer and found out that we have 5 different functions to create markers .... I have a tendancy to think that I can get down to 2 functions (1 for "regular marker" and 1 for "regroup markers"). I'm already putting it all on paper to figure out what can be consolidated and so forth.
What this will do is make the Tabbed Windows work again as well as making the code a bit slimmer (I estimate a 2-3k gain at this point) which would make the overall map load faster (not a bad thing I might say)
So before release I need to do that now !!!
See you all later

The Termite
Posts: 27300
I have been folowing this in the API forum. One thing that I would like... is like in local.google.com ....is that the copywrite text moves to alow the OverViewMap to not obstruct the copy write text. I have yet to see any code (simple example)to allow for that,... other than http://local.google.ca/
See how the OverViewMap moves the text if it is open or closed?
Termite, 2 points:
1. your png fix does not work on my windowsXP with IE V6.0.29.
2. Is all the repeditive JS generated with php? example
if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")....
could you not set a variable and add or subtract the different sizes? OR is that all done is a complex loop?Looks good BTW. I like to tooltip.
Posts: 1894
I'll take a look at that ...
Yep I had disabled it ... it should be enabled now
It's done in a loop, but at the end I will put something better using PHP Variable to limit code download (if possible)
thx I like them too
I'll make a customize tooltip deal eventually 
Posts: 1894
I have fixed the "issues" with the infowindow and also have gotten down to 2 CreateMarker function (1 for the regular icons and 1 for the regroup) just like I wanted
It lowered the code size by 9k for MapHeader.tpl
Now to put all of this together and find a solution to the copywright text deal

The Termite
Posts: 1894
Allright since I have confirmation now that there are no EVENT triggered when the Overview Map is hidden or shown, it's impossible to know what's the state of the OverView Map is ...
This means that the Copyright text cannot move when the overview map shows and hides.
What I did is: I moved the Copyright text away from the overview map for it to be shown even if the overview map is open and it stays there...
So that means I'm done !!! I'll be releasing the 0.4.11a for you all to start testing sometime today or maybe tomorrow
See you soon
The Termite
Posts: 108
Termite, I've been waiting by the computer for 38 hours. I'll go get some more coffee, back in a minute.................

Posts: 19
APIv2 looks great. Now that Europe is included I will finally make my own Photo Map "public" since my entire gallery is of pictures in Europe.
You've mentioned though that you're planning on releasing 0.4.11a. Does this imply that it is a Gallery 2.0.x release only? Will it support, or will there be another version (0.5.1?) to support Gallery 2.1.x?
Posts: 1894
Sorry guys,
I have found some more bugs
. I blame galmoid for bringing it up 

In Fact I was using the Google Map API v2 compatibility mode and when I switch to true Gmap2 ... everything fall appart.
The zoom numbers are reversed and they also go up to 19 as oposed to 17, the coordinates are reversed for some thing (GLatLon vs GPoint) ...
This basically open a giant can of wrom where I need to fix the following:
- Replace all GPoint instances with GLatLon
- Invert the coordinates in the database upon upgrade
- Change the Interface to reflect that change
- Automatic "regroup" is completly broken (coz of the new zoom levels)
- AutoCenter& zoom ain't working either
Well and as you can imagine I fixed MANY thing already just after the switch .... Now I'm at the point where going back to GMAP vs GMAP2 is insane and staying with GMAP2 still require some work
I guess this is delaying the release again .....
Joelion, the release for Gallery 2.1 wil follow but I'd like to add some feature as well so it could be a bit later. If it turns out the google map api v1 disapear beforehand I will release it as is and work on the next release afterward
See you later !
The Termite
Posts: 108
My compliments Termite! You are doing a fantastic job on this "never ending story"

Moz - a humble user of THE MODULE
Posts: 1894
I do my best
I have limited time available for it (compared to at the beginning) but I still wish to finish all of the feature requests
I'm sure the next release will require some pretty good testing because I just can't think of all the scenarios. This is where you ALL are helpfull in this process
also I just remembered something stupid ... I have not tested the Route feature yet
... maybe more issues comming along 

The Termite
Posts: 1894
Well ... here is a VERY small update
- FIXED AutoCenter& zoom
- Routes seems to continue working with the new API
- Invert the coordinates in the database upon upgrade (Galmoid has done that, I just need to put it into the module)
- Replace all GPoint instances with GLatLon
- Change the Interface to reflect that change
- Automatic "regroup" is completly broken => This is getting worse ....
The Termite
Posts: 19
Just going to echo the fantastic Job
Really do appreictate all the work your putting in as it adds so much to Gallery2 
Thank you
Posts: 1894
Well thank you all for your support
I do have sad news to you all ...
The next releases of the map will be 0.4.11a & 0.5.1a (like I've been trying to do for a while now) but will not contain the "Automatic Regroup" feature.
I'am having way too much diffculties getting it resolved in API v2 and with the addition of the coordinate being reversed, the new zoom funcitons are just messing me up beyong my capabilities for a piece of code I didn't write ....
bottom line is: it would be easier and much cleaner to remove this function for now and fix the rest. I promise I will go back and add it again.
As a matter of fact galmoid and I are both working on it from today on. we will be trying to get a PHP version and a javacript version. From that we will only kep the best one (easiest, or fastest, or smallest code, etc ...) we'll see.
Anyway, I think it's no use delaying this release any longer because of 1 feature messing with us
. Once Google pull the plug on API v1 (we still don't know when, but ...) we will all be sorry for not having a working module.....
So the idea is to get both version out for Gallery 2.0.x and 2.1.x so that we can continue using working modules
Hope to talk to you all soon !
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Hello All ... more news on the conversion.
I have complted all the changes above and so have a working version of the module for Gallery 2.0.x and gallery 2.1.x BUT right before I wanted to release, I made a couple tests and found more bugs:
- The Show/Hide function only works partially (it hides, but doesn't show anymore)
- The Upgrade changes seem to only work "at times" ... I have to figure out why, it might be a problem with my linux box
- There seems to be something broken (or at least weird) with the infowindow sizing ...
Note that those bugs are all found with version gallery 2.0.x and I might just drop the support for this version If I can't figure out why
See you soon !
The Termite
Posts: 27300
The last beer does not help.
I can't find the right sarcastic words but.....
Let it go and let _them_ freeze in the dark ages.
Keep up the great work and give me a small task if you want.
Posts: 1894
Thanks ! As far as tasks (nothing is small ;-)), there is still plenty to do in the feature thing, we can start shaing those as soon as this is completed (tonight probably)
Thanks a lot !
Posts: 1894
Hello Everyone !
I know some of you have been waiting for this moment for some time (and some of you don't care) !! This is to annouce that I have FINALLY Finished a working version of the module for gallery 2.0 .x and Gallery 2.1.x !!
I should be able to release it tonight when I get home. The ZIP files are ready to go waiting on my desktop.
Everything seems fine. I actually ran a "browsershots" on my test Galler 2.1.1a install and it seems to work fine almost everywhere (see it for yourself). also as far as Strict XHTML goes, I have most of it fixed (down to 17 errors, the built-in firefox XHTML validator shows no errors anymore)
So I am glad to say that this release will be done in confidence that it will work failry well. I have even installed it on my production machine (which I never do...). I'm almost sure that there is still some bugs but so far I have not been able to find them !
So bottom line: Tonight is THE night !!! finally (I know this sound dramatic and all....)
I will start working on new features as well as fixing the "regrouping" right away
Thanks you all for your patience up to this point!
The Termite
Posts: 1894
After doing a little bit of research I have some code that does the Automatic regroup. It isn't perfect yet but I think that in a few days (time permitting) I will have something for you all to use
See you soon !
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Sucess !!
I have put the old code back in function after finding out more about the all algorithm... The Automatic Regroup is now a feature of the Map Module once again !!
I'll be working on some simple feature requests and should be releasing 0.5.2a in a few days
See you all!
The Termite
Posts: 27300
Great job! Without it, the map does not look or feel "right".
I will have the history links done later this week as well. Most of it is done.... Just have to sort out the "start" link as there is 2 options in the config for where the map starts.
Posts: 1894
The map start can be solved using the saveposition() deal in Google Map API. I'm using that for the "center" button in the custom controls and it works like a charm
I guess you could have a simple map.returnToSavedPosition(); to use that function linked to the "start" link and it should be set
Let us know and thanks for getting that fixed, this move to the new API has been more challenging than I orignally thought
See you !
The Termite
Posts: 108
Thanks to both Floridave and Termite, this is great work.
May I add a wish for later versions? I'm going through all photos to edit zoom levels, actually I now want to use default zoom for all of them. Would it be possible to add a function: "Reset zoom level to default for all items"?
By the way, where in DB can I find zoom level for each photo? Editing each photo is quite a job.....
Posts: 1894
In the database, the zoomlevel are all stored into the table caled g2_mapMap (assuming your prefix is g2) and the you can do a search for "zoomlevel" and from that, delete all the records and everything will be resettd to default automaticaly !
I'm not sure a button is needed, but if you stil think so, put it in the sourceforget feature request, I'll add that to my "support" tab or perhaps to the maintenance area (I think this is better)
I actually have a few idea for maintenance tasks for that are related to the google map and it's time for them to be created as well as being located in the right spot
See you !
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Also I wanetd to point out that I have found 6 more bugs in 0.5.1d that has been released, but since they are quite small I won't be producing a new version just for that.
They will be included in the next release and if someone noticed any of them I might create a temporary small package with the 3-4 files needing to be changed for the time being
See you all soon .......
The Termite
Posts: 27300
Great,... that will save a few lines of code....
Do you do a SavePosition in any other location of the code? Or is it only set once? I don't want to have the "start" link go to some other saved location other than the origainal location.
Posts: 1894
there is 2 saveposition in the code.
1 is done when the center/zoom is first set and then I do another one when the "autocenter&zoom" is used, because it resets the center and zoom.
After that it stays the same, it's basically at all time the orginal location that the map shows up at
Posts: 27300
Great! Thanks!
Posts: 1894
I'm trying to make the admin interface a bit better and I was wondering if the following idea is good or not:
- I would like to have 3 tabs like on the mokup enclosed (it's fake for now, I have not changed anything yet...)
- The first tab would remain unchanged
- On the secon tab, there would be a small arrow and when you click on the tab, it would show a menu to let you choose between Theme, Marker and Legend settings
- On the third tab, same principle, a small menu appear and lets you choose between filters, routes and groups.
I think this way it would make the Interface look cleaner in some ways.
I would like your input on this
So here is a small survey for you all to give you opinion
Thanks !!
EDIT: The comments were not showing up before, fixed now

The Termite
Posts: 1894
Hello All !!
Maybe some of you already have noticed but I have activated Subversion in the Sourceforge Project. So far I have put the module 0.4.11d and 0.5.1d...
Also I have strated to make some changes to 0.5.1d (which is now 0.5.2a) and if you like leaving on the edge, you can always try it out for yourself.
This way, the files are easy to be modified and you we can keep track of versioning, much better
See you !
The Termite
Posts: 1023
cool - a new "edge of development" - an own root-trunk ... just loading it
Gallery version = 2.2-svn core 1.1.5
PHP version = 5.1.4 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.2 (Win32) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.4 mod_ssl/2.2.2 OpenSSL/0.9.8b
Database = mysql 5.0.18-nt-log,
Posts: 27300
Got the 'history' working.
Couple of questions for the users:
Should the "start" link close the info window if the info window is open?
Should the center button of the panning controls clear the history or not?
Termite, I will send you the 2 changed files against latest version (not SVN) so you can merge the changes in later this weekend.