Slider theme - How do I keep it embedded in a Joomla module instead of exploding to full screen?


Joined: 2006-03-09
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2006-03-09 09:45

I would love to use the Slider theme in my website. It's really perfect for what I need.

My problem is that I am trying to use it in my Joomla site, and I don't like the way it explodes to full screen (in Firefox and Netscape), leaving no way to navigate back except by using the browser's [back] button. It seems to be making a layer that covers the rest of the page, rather than sitting within the module assigned.
Q1: How can I make the slider stay within the Gallery module within Joomla?

I also don't like the way it gets confused in I.E., as to whether or not to go full screen.
Q2: How can I fix this? or will this be fixed along with Q1?

See here:

Thanks in advance for helping a newbie!