gallery2 module developer required. $$ cash money $$

hdotnet's picture

Joined: 2003-01-29
Posts: 23
Posted: Fri, 2006-03-17 08:14

Morning all,

Simple gallery2 module required that can export an image to other web applications.

With gallery1 I often hacked the core code to provide image management features to client applications, cinluding use of the thumbnail applet, often on different servers and/or websites. This obviously lead to problems with upgrading.

I am being deliberately ambiguous here as there are many situations where I will require this module. I'm also far too busy to get my head around the gallery2 api.

So simple module job?:

1. create admin function to export an image.

2. provide a function to size the image using the thumbnail editor applet.

3. create hooks for me to write the necessary code to update the client application using the resulting image.

Look forward to hearing from you.


this is kinda urgent. $$ offered...

Julie S

Joined: 2006-02-18
Posts: 14
Posted: Wed, 2006-07-05 07:08

2. provide a function to size the image using the thumbnail editor applet.

Looking too for an developer, hdotnet, got an answer from someone?

Bump bump

hdotnet's picture

Joined: 2003-01-29
Posts: 23
Posted: Mon, 2006-03-27 18:14

Julie S,

alas... the silence is deafening.