How hard would it be to make the map admin for photo/albums an actual stand-alone permission. Right now its only availible through the "edit item", it would be great if it was instead accessable through it own interface thats links to only map related stuffs. I find the "edit item" and general permissions of gallery its major drawback at the moment it would be great if the map avoided it.
Posts: 1894
I'm gonna look into that, did you already put a feature request or not ?
I think it should be very much do-able, there is already some code in the module to prevent anyone without full blown admin right to get into the map module Administation Panel. I'm sure it'll be easy to add a set of permissions and have a permission setup tab(only accessible to the admin of course)
I'll look into it and post a follow up in here or the discussion thread ;-)
The Termite
Posts: 224
I was also thinking that having a seperate "edit map" link in "item actions" for users as well, instead of it being in the "edit items" links. How hard would that be?
Posts: 1894
I'm not sure I take a look at it
I just hope that it wouldn't require some database changes. Otherwise I don't see why it'll be hard ...

The Termite