photo add to chart


Joined: 2006-03-16
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2006-03-20 13:13

Ich habe das checkout modul installiert. Nun möchte ich gerne das Wort photo (add to chart) unbenennen. Wo muss genau muss ich die Unbennenung machen. .Kann mir jemand helfe!

kerryman's picture

Joined: 2005-10-14
Posts: 130
Posted: Mon, 2006-03-20 17:01

I tried to write it in german but i give up! :) can you ask question again in english please? I'm not sure if I know what you mean about changing "add to cart".

and by the way - what theme and language are you using? That may change starting point.


Joined: 2006-03-16
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2006-07-03 13:28

Hy, my english is not so ggod but i tri to write. I like to translate the word "photo" (add to chart) in picture. How can i do this? Thanks for the anwser

Lee Bowser

Joined: 2006-07-05
Posts: 8
Posted: Wed, 2006-07-05 07:25
Hy, my english is not so ggod but i tri to write. I like to translate the word "photo" (add to chart) in picture. How can i do this? Thanks for the anwser

Check the translation files i suppose? And there is also a translation part on this forum i suppose?


Joined: 2006-07-16
Posts: 7
Posted: Sun, 2006-07-16 14:28

Suche in der im Checkout-Ordner nach folgendem Eintrag:

und ändere die hier fettgeschriebene Zeile.

Look for in checkout folder and edit bold line.

* @see GalleryModule::getItemLinks()
function getItemLinks($items, $wantsDetailedLinks, $permissions) {
$links = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
//if (GalleryUtilities::isA($item, 'GalleryAlbumItem')) {
if (isset($permissions[$item->getId()]['checkout.purchase'])) {
$itemTypeNames = $item->itemTypeName();
$links[$item->getId()][] =
array('text' => $this->translate(array('text' => '%s bestellen',
'arg1' => $itemTypeNames[0])),
'params' => array('controller' => 'checkout.AddToCart',
'itemId' => $item->getId(),
'return' => 1));

return array(null, $links);


Joined: 2006-07-16
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2006-07-16 15:31

[b]hi every body I cant open my message so give me clue


Joined: 2006-07-16
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2006-07-16 15:36
