I noticed today when adding two photos close to each other, the map does not show up. Instead I got a white page with the text noo 1. When I delete GPS coordinates for one of the two photos, it's back to normal.
The photos are placed on map about 2 km from each other, and I got plenty of photos that are closer than this without causeing problems.....could it be the regroup function in the 0.4.10d version?
Anyone got a clue?
Posts: 364
I have not seen this behavior. I have numerous items very, very close
to one another. I even have two with identical coordinates. Does it
matter which item you remove the coordinates from to make it work?
Posts: 108
No, it does not matter. I can choose either of the two photos, but not both
Posts: 364
Have you tried starting with both having their coordinates (and
the map not displaying) and then incrementally moving them apart
by changing the coordinates of one?
Posts: 108
Yes, when moving them apart, it works fine. Tried to alter the "Item regroup distance" in Map Module Settings.
When changed from 15 to 25 px, it works fine. Strange, I never had this problem before, I got plenty of photos close to eachother on the map. Must be a bug in latest version....
Posts: 364
Oh well... maybe Termite will have a look upon returning.

Maybe those two items are over a vortex.
Sorry I could not be of more help.
Posts: 108
Well, I'll keep the 25px distance and hopefully Termite will sort it out when he is back....
Thanks anyway
Posts: 364
Just for kicks (the joy of it) maybe try moving both items (keeping
their distance from each other the same) to a new place (to get away
from the vortex)?
You could also try putting this:
at the top of the infowindow template you are using. It will list
a bunch of stuff about each item when you access the map.
Posts: 1894
Hmmm the noo1 problem is back. Now I have another clue as for when it happens.
Moz, can you reproduce this at any time ?
If so I'd like to spend some time looking into this. I'm currently in the GMT+1 timezone (for infos) so it might be easier to dicuss over MSN or Google talk or something
thanks for the report
The Termite
Posts: 108
Thanks for looking in to this Termite.
If "Item regroup distance" is set to 20 or less, the problem is back. At 25px everything looks fine.
More details in PM
Posts: 1894
Moz, can you try to change the ShowMap.inc like mentioned by pvalsecc here
Then set the regroup distance to 10 and see if it works.
Let me know!
The Termite
Posts: 108
Works great!!!

Enjoy Paris
Posts: 1894
Ok,now that you have made that change I have noticed that there is another error ... the "regroup" marker does not show up at all now that you have that unset in the ShowMap.inc
Can you try to remove that line all together ?
If you want to see what I'm talking about zoom in to level 8 and center around that 1 photo that used to have a problem (im talking about this one: http://www.visitusinmaputo.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=3968)
when you zoom out to level 9, instead of showing a "regroup" marker it showa nothing. I'm guessing that unset is breaking this part.
Instead of having die(noo1) or unset(xyz) it will probably work with the line removed all together.
Let me know !
The Termite
Posts: 108
Thanks Termite, I didn't notice. Why are the other groups not affected?
When removeing the line, the map does not show up, so I put it back...
Posts: 1894
At this point I don't know why the other groups not affected. that I'm still trying to figure out
It seems that it gets to this part of the code when regrouped item end-up in 2 groups because they are close to multiple item.
My guess is when you increase the distance for regroup, some item were not in 2 groups anymore and so the problem would not show up ...
I'll keep on looking ;-)
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Ok I think the unset command is the correct one. The thing that happen is like I said earlier, the item get sucked in into another group and that's why they appear to be disapearing, they actually are under another group.
pvalsecc's fix is the correct one and I'll retain this
The Termite
Posts: 108
Thanks Termite, I'm running pvalsecc's fix now. As the items show up when zooming in, it's not a big deal actually. Strange though...