Hello Termite,
How's Paris? I have a problem with my google map module. In Photo edit mode, nothing loads in the Google Map tab when clicked on. In Album edit mode the google map tab works fine.
I have checked 5 pages deep into this forum and cannot find anything similar. I have so far tried:
1. Uninstalling and uploading the latest release from sourceforge. Done this twice. No luck, (should i try installing an earlier release).
2. refreshing all the caches including template and database caches. No luck.
I wish to add individual gps co-ordinates from the places I visited to geocode my photos onto a map. I can only do this from each photo individually.
Any suggestions. Is this a bug? Would appreciate your help on this. I'm also trying to create a kick ass map to document a horsetrek I'm doing across Asia for charity. Suggestions on this front would also be appreciated.
Posts: 1894
Well ... I'm not quite sure.
I try to think on this but the file loaded for album or photo to show the Google Map Tab is the same and I'm kinda confused os of why it would fail ...
Can I get edit access to your gallery & links so I can check out the generated code ? I'm not sure where to start but with this I should be able to fix the problem
Otherwise Paris is nice and it's nice to be a tourist here
. Hopefully I will have most of my work done so i can enjoy a bit of time to walk around ... who knows 
I don't know what a horsetrek is but if you explain what you're trying to accomplish I might be able to help you out better
See you !
The Termite
Posts: 32
Thanks for getting back so quickly. I have PM'd your password and username to you. You have 'all access.' If this is not enough, do let me know.
thanks for all your help. What's it like working on vacation???
All the best,
Posts: 32
Posts: 1894
I actually traveled here for work
. It is also where I'm originally from so it's nice to be here. I'm just trying to finish faster so I can spend some time walking around.
I'll take a look at your problem ;-)
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Ok I'm not experiencing the issue using the account you created for me. I'm able to add coordinates to albums or photos without issues.
Maybe I didn't understand the issue correctly ?
Let me know
The Termite
Posts: 32
The steps i follow to insert a photograph co-ordinate are:
1. Clicking on any album, let's say the first one (India)
2. Selecting the 'edit photograph' option from the item actions under say the "Into the Blue" photograph and bringing up the tabs, General, Photo, Modify Photo, Crop thumbnail and finally Google Maps
3. Clicking on the google map tab produces no an empty space under the "Google map" header tab.
This still remains when I do it so I'm now curious:
(i) Did you enter photograph co-ordinates in a different way?
(ii) What steps did you follow to enter those co-ordinates?
(iii) which album did you check?
Thanks for your time on this. I've never been to Paris but hope to one day.
Cheers Termite,
Posts: 32
Right i have checked further and you are right.
The Google map information still doesn't load in the first photo which bums because that photo signifies the start of the journey but otherwise the others are now working.
Thankyou ever so much for your help + time. The info wasn't loading last night in any photo but seems to today. Even more strangely the Google tab still doesn't load in the first photo of the India album (as per the last post). What do you think?
I would still like your input regarding the route map. I'll post my full idea to you tomorrow when i've thought it through a bit more and can put it clearly down on paper (just like oncoming Gallery-Map module docs ;).
Thanks again,
Posts: 1894
I saw that it's weird I'm not sure why. I would need to do some troubleshooting to figure out why it didn't work for that specific picture. In order to fix this tho I would have to change the files on the server (or have you change them while talking via MSN)
There is many ways to do a route map that it'll probably be best if we have an idea what you're trying to accomplish
They are comming for sure, better yet, next version will have a lot of inline help
See you !
Posts: 224
Do you try and delete and re-upload that one photo that doesnt work? Besides your template cashe delete your browser cashe.
As for the routes feature and geocode, do your photos already have the gps data in them?, if not I think there are several programs out there that will batch geo-code photos maybe even automate the process with a gps device. You can then import it all into the map. I might be wrong I have yet to use the routed feature.
Posts: 32
Hurrah.. Reloading the photo actually worked! Thanks for all your help on this termite. and for your suggestion dotnature. I've actually got a route map up and working (albeit a trial run) at
I have further plans for a route map as mentioned earlier, and if it's ok, i'll pm termite about shortly.
I also have some suggestions regarding the route feature if they will help in the development of the map module:
1.The ability to edit multiple gps data pairs on one screen similar to 'edit caption' mode for photos. Editing gps co-ordinates in this way would present 10 rows of gps co-ordinates for 10 photos for easy bulk editing.
2. The ability to 'order' items for a route based off a map rather than a long list of photos. This would make route management simpler.
3. to treat the route feature much as an album. Many of the features used for editing an album would be extremely useful for editing a route. For example when presented with a list of photos in a route, it would be very handy to have a feature like the 'rearrange' function in 'edit album' and 'edit photo' mode. It would make editing a long list much easier.
Further suggestions regarding the route feature to come as I use it more. But let me say now that the option scope of this module is amazing and I'm still delving into it. Well done. Great work and I look forward to keeping in touch more over it in the future.
Posts: 364
May I suggest trying out the 'g' infowindow templates?
I think the bbcodes (like on 'Pack your donkey here') would
work with these.
The link is actually http://www.r4e.org/gallery/Map?
Nice trek.
Posts: 32
Hi Galmoid,
Cheers for the suggestion. I did look at the 'g' info templates, but there wasn't one that I really fancied so i just plumped for the default. I'm looking for one that shows the title, summary and photo on the same window but at a lesser 'height.' The only other info template i liked was the g2tabbed one mainly due to its neatness, but it hides the summary.
The map is a funny thing. It started out at the url with the '?" addon and now only works without it. If you click on http://www.r4e.org/gallery/Map now it should work. At least it has been. ;)
Posts: 364
Hey man, I led you astray anyway. We have a problem with
the handling of bbcodes altogether (execpt for URLs).
Got to look into this. Thanks for the trigger.
Posts: 224
Thats a good idea you should file this as a feature request on the forge http://sourceforge.net/projects/gmap-module
Editing the infowindows is quite straightforward you can add/remove info and style it somewhat, though bbcode would be a nice addition.Does bbcode work with regular gallery stuff for size and colors? If not what about using raw html option in the admin? I test this out soon.
I also think enabling the module/theme/thumbnails is great for routes as you can mouseover a pic and see where on the route that pic is.
Nice route!
Posts: 364
Look at using the 'g2default' infowindow template. You can just delete the
added links at the bottom if you like (they probably don't work for your
route anyway).
Find this part of the template:
and change the height to something that you find comfortable. The overflow is
what causes the scrollbar to appear. It could be...
Posts: 32
Right, Feature request made at sourceforge for bulk 'GPS edit feature' on the Map module.
Thanks for reminding me about the 'G2 default' info-window template. Whenever I've tried to use it my map would not load afterwards. On the map screen a message would read "Map loading, please wait..." (or to that effect). I had to switch to a different info-window template before the map would load again. I've gone for the g3 default and will have a go at deleting the 'route find' locator as that probably isn't much use in china!
Its 'height' is currently fine at 200px.
I'll be playing around with it all abit to add in URLs and move the photo and summary around.
Posts: 364
Regarding g2default.inc info-window template problem...
In this section:
Find this line:
and add a " ' " (single quote) to the end of it. That will fix it.
Posts: 1894
Yep that's in the plan ;)
That's a good idea. I should probably revamp the route feature alltogether and get something a bit better to handle. the way it is today isn't really straightforward... it's closer to a dirty hack
I'll think of something nice for the route feature
Also regarding the infowindow, for the next release of the module I'll be working on a "creation tool" to dynamicly create infowindow templates instead of being limited to the default ones.
See you !
The Termite
Posts: 32
Right, Thanks for all the advice so far. I got the g2 default info-window working by adding the end apostrophy, however on later logins the above problem still happens. That is the map just states "loading, please wait" and then never loads. I am now back to using the gdefault template instead
. Otherwise I found taking off all the additional info and resizing the g2 template a cinch. (NB: whoever installed that link to weatherbonk deserves a round of applause. That feature has told me that i can expect severe dust storms here in China soon... great... can't wait!!
On a final note... many people are emailing me to tell me that after using my gallery map, that their screen continually crashes afterwards (even if they shut the map window down). I've also experienced this and wonder if it's a problem with the map module or
with the Google service itself. The bottom of the screen short of freezes and then the entire screen blurs upwards when you move the scroll bar.
I'd obviously like to solve this last problem as it bums the experience of an otherwise awesome feature.
Hats off,
Posts: 364
Regarding the g2default template... Maybe, although I doubt it,
it has to do with cached pages or some such thing. Maybe it's
related to your other problems with the screens crashing. I don't
think this is a problem with The Module. I don't experience this
when browsing your map. Can't explain it.
Posts: 1894
I've never experienced the crashing either
sorry I can't help for that ....
Could it be a memory problem ?
The Termite
Posts: 32
Cheers, a few people i know have experienced the problems with the gallery and from what i can see, it was only after the map ran. I'm going to have a quick look into it. Could be something simple.
Thanks for the help again. I've now uploaded the trial version of the site so alls good finally!
Enjoy paris, termiten and keep up the great work one and all.