Got a problem with my website, and I am looking for some help.
Website details:
OS: Linux a
PHP: 4.4.1
MySQL: 4.0.25-standard
Joomla! 1.0
I'm having problems installing the Gallery2 component and integrate it with the Community Builder component.
Reinstall! Hopefully I can find someone skilled to do it for me.
I'm just a student, so I hope for a reasonably priced offer. Thanks!
Posts: 2
Aha... My problem is actually to Embedd Gallery2 into Joomla, and then add the g2bridge plugin for Community Builder. Wanted to have the possibility to allow registered users to create albums, upload images etc. without having to log in on an external album-software (How do I explain this in english..? ???)
I tried to follow the explanation on http://www.gallery-addons.com/content/view/71/125/lang,en_US/, and completed the install (step 1 - 9). I believed everything was working fine, but when I had installed the gal2 components, modules and plugins I realized something had to be wrong. The Gallery2 Sidebar module just showed a php-error, and my gallery2 component just showed a picture with a shopping-cart, and no possibility to manage albums, uploads etc.