I've been using the map module for a long time, but upon upgrading to 2.1 (first rc1&2, and now final), The module just won't work. I've noticed the config pages have changed a bit, so I'm suspecting that there might be some dormant entries in the db that's causing it to break. Anyways, this is what happends when I download and activate the 0.5.0e version of the module, and click the "show map" button on the top of the config page:
Error Detail -
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryView.class at line 180 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in main.php at line 288 (galleryview::loadview)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80
System Information
Gallery version 2.1
PHP version 4.4.0-gentoo-r1 apache2handler
Webserver Apache
Database mysql 4.0.25
Toolkits NetPBM, Gd
Operating system Linux eh-www 2.6.10-gentoo-r6 #1 SMP Wed Feb 2 16:41:04 Local time zone must be set--see zic m i686
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nb-NO; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5
This happends, for any other view that's supposed to display google maps as well. Tried adding a configurationset, but that didn't help much...
Any ideas to what might be causing this?
Posts: 1894
That I have no idea whatsoever
... I think we're gonna need some help for the gallery dev to point us in the right direction.
I'll take a look anyway, but I don't think there was any permission set in Showmap.inc originally. I'll let you know if I find anything but I really have no clue at this point...
The Termite
Posts: 364
Just a stab in the dark...
Open the permissions or change the owner of map/images.
chmod -R 777 map/images
chown -R xxxxxx map/images
(where xxxxxx is the account the web server runs under)
Posts: 18
I have the same problem but the permissions look okay in the map directory (readable by anyone). The web server doesn't need write access there, does it?
Posts: 364
It does. For "Group" thumnails as well as custom markers sets.
Note however, this may not be the reason for the problem...
it was just a stab in the dark.
If you do choose to try the permissions, please let us know
the outcome.
Posts: 18
I just tried changing the owner for the images and all subdirectories to the webserver account. It didn't help.
Posts: 364
Can you provide a link?
Posts: 18
Hmm, I went to double check the URL via the configuration interface. I noticed then it wasn't activated, even though I did do that before.... After doing that the error is now;
Warning: dir(/home/httpd/html/www.gowdy.us/g/modules/map/images/markers/Standard/): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/httpd/html/www.gowdy.us/g/modules/map/ShowMap.inc on line 1255
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/httpd/html/www.gowdy.us/g/modules/map/ShowMap.inc on line 1257
(as you'll see at the above URL).
Posts: 32
FYI, the suggestion from galmoid seemed to fix the problem. All the way up until I activated the routes feature. When clicking the "update it for me" button by the text saying "Your Theme.tpl file does not contain the right HTML tag, routes will not display in Internet Explorer Refer to The map Module Wiki for a workaround", it gave me the error message
So I head off to /var/www/php_libs/gallery2/themes/floatrix/templates, and do "chmod 777 *". Upon returning to the gallery, it doesn't do anything. Ie: going to main.php doesn't produce any error messages, nor any content. Viewing the source for the page shows nothing at all... Same goes for admin pages and whatnot...
Guess I should have cleared the cache or something first? Gallery2 doesn't work *at all* by now, and I'm pretty much confused..
Posts: 1894
You need to restore the file theme.tpl from the orignal archive to get gallery it running again.
My guess is since the permission were not there when you click the button it zeroed out the file and now there is nothing to display ... This was a dirty hack that I put in place all part of the "let's make this module easier" but it needs a bit more validation.
I'll see that this happen in the next releases ;-)
Also the error that says cannot open "Standard", etc ... this mean you're trying to use a markerset that does not exist and was not created (due to permission errors) I'll take alook at a way to get that fix as well, but I'm afraid this will be a manual installation step. (Changing the permissions on the images folder I meant)
Thanks !
The Termite
Posts: 32
hmmm.... you where right about /themes/floatrix/templates/theme.tpl being nulled, but restoring the original version didn't solve the issue of gallery2 not rendering
I'll see if there are other files that've been nulled...
FYI: I ran the upgrader again, hopin that ste 6 (clearing cache) would make a difference - it didn't..
Posts: 32
Now I've done a fresh extraction of gallery2, keeping only g2data and config.php: no luck.
Did a fresh install of g2 (running the installation procedure again), keeping tables and data intact: no luck.
So I'm figuring my database is corrupted. I don't have any recent backup (yes, I know, I know - that's silly, but that's how it turned out). Is there any way of figuring out just what rows are problematic, or is the only sane way to go, to do a fresh install and then upload everyting again?
(my gallery was holding 4k pictures, so the last option isn't very attractive :P)
Posts: 364
PM me some access details and I'll happily try to help you out.
Posts: 1
delete post
Posts: 1894
Why deleting the post, I don't think you are the one who created it are you ?
The Termite