[Google map/matrix] Markers do not display in FF and IE
Joined: 2006-04-02
Posts: 20 |
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I use Gallery 2.1 and Google map 0.5.0e. The problem might be related to Fedora 5 too. It started happening after I upgraded to Fedora 5. I do change memory usage to 16M in php.ini. http://shine.homelinux.com/~gduan/travel If you use IE, as you can see, most markers won't show up. Following script error is given by IE Line: 302 Char: 1 Error: Object expected Code: 0 URL: http://shine.homelinux.com/~gduan/travel/main.php?g2_view=map.ShowMap Using FF, more markers show up, but there are still quite some are missing. I can even see the shadow of markers, but not the markers themselves.
Posts: 1894
I saw that you were using routes and something is preventing the routes marker to be created:
- Permissions on the images folder ? (you need the webserver to be able to write to this folder and subfolder)
- Imagemagick not installed or not functionning ?
Let me know !
The Termite
Posts: 20
I activated ImageMagick module and did "chmod -R 777 images", but the problem is not solved.
Using FF, it seems only markers on routes are missed; but with IE, most of markers are not there.
I can exactly remember the sequence. First, I upgraded to Fedora 5. I think at that time, I found there were some problems, then I upgraded to Gallery 2.1, then upgraded google map module. I untar-ed the clean Gallery 2.1 and copy old config.php over.
Posts: 1894
The routes folder in 'images" still does not get created, there must be some permission problem of some sort. did you try giving ownership on the image folder to the webserver user ?
Let me know
The Termite
Posts: 1894
For your problem in IE, you are experiencing a bug that I'm trying to fix at this point
(see the posted bug here)
That's why I was focusing on fixing the problem in FF ;-)
The Termite
Posts: 20
I change images directory's owner and group to apache, it doesn't solve the problem.
Can you tell me which line of code tries to create directory under image?
Posts: 1894
line 1289 in ShowMap.inc:
Maybe try to do an echo on the $absolutegallerydir to check it's putting it in the right place

The Termite
Posts: 20
Ok. I were changing mode or owner of 'images' directory under gallery.
After I changed owner of 'modules/map/images' to apache, FF is working fine. IE still has the same problem, but as you said, it's different issue.
Posts: 20
I saw the IE6 related bug is closed. Is there any fix? I am using API 1.0, replacing MapHeader.tpl doesn't work.
Posts: 1894
The bug was related to the infowindow template used, if you switch to default does it work better ?
The Termite
Posts: 1894
If it doesn't work, try to disable the thumbnail bar and see if that works .
Let me know

The Termite
Posts: 20
change to default infowindow template fix the problem in IE. Thumbnail bar doesn't matter in my case.
Thanks for the help.
Posts: 1894
Out of curiosity which template were you using before ? I think we have a problem with some of the infowindow templates and I'd like to know what it is before I implement an infowindow creation tool
thx !
The Termite
Posts: 20
I was using 'table'.
Now there is another issue after I add some markers and route. The page only shows "noo 1" when I try to load Google map page. Comment out "die("noo 1");" solve the issue, but I think it should indicate some problem you already knew.
Posts: 1894
It's been in fixed in 0.4.10e and wil also be fixed in the next release, the fix is posted in sourceforge (search in the closed bugs)
See you

The Termite