A small trick to place thumbnail block to index.html or any html pages

Iced Coffee

Joined: 2005-11-17
Posts: 75
Posted: Thu, 2006-04-06 04:57

I don't know if this can be good for anyone but it is quite useful on the homepage of my web. As the thumnail block module only lets us put image block on php pages, why don't we just turn the index.html file (or any .html file) to index.php? This is a very quick way to do this: Paste this above the first line of the code (I mean above <html>):

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" >
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

Copy the code of the thumbnail block to a place on your index.html file where ever you want (you still can use Frontpage to do this though you cannot see the block yet).

Save and then rename the file index.html to index.php. Upload it to your server. And it will run well. You can view my http://www.myweddinglife.info/index.php as an example. I put 1 block for the latest picture and three random pictures. Note that my page is in Vietnamese.

Hope this can help some of you.

Iced Coffee