fails with "unknown error"


Joined: 2004-07-02
Posts: 24
Posted: Thu, 2006-04-06 16:33

i am trying to add recursively images.
it was hard enough to figure out, because it never said album id should be used, also at least one perl module is requied that is not documented anywhere i looked (HTML/HeadParser from HTML-Parser).

finally it has added some images, but now it fails after adding some six images.

my commandline :
/scripts/g2/ -g http://localhost/pics -G 2 -u admin -p tt -a 7 /home/rich/pics/new/*

i tried adding -T, didn't help.
image itself seems to be ok, displays fine in all applications i tried.

it fails with :

Upload /home/rich/pics/new/1/2006.04.01-02-valmiera-pie_viljnja/img_2162.jpg (Img 2162) [ERROR]

Error: could not upload image - unknown error

GalleryStatus Object
[_stack] =>
[_errorCode] => 17

... a lot of stuff i could provide if that could help ...

status_text=Upload failed\: ''.

what could be the problem ?