PGTheme enhancement request


Joined: 2004-02-18
Posts: 27
Posted: Mon, 2006-04-10 14:48

I love this theme, look and feel, and have really only one enhancement request that would make it much more useable for me (I'm running G2.1)

I host multiple albums using Multisite, and as such, require different logos on each site. Unfortunately, the "logo.gif" and "logoon.gif" are built into the colorpack for the them, and I cannot use different logos without duplicating the colorpack in my main install directories.

I would love to see an "option" that asked for the name of the main logo file (you can assume it's in the colorpack directory), and would use that (plus <name>on for the rollover).

I could load multiple logos into the appropriate colorpack directory, and present many different "sites" with the same "look and feel", but each with their own logo.

Thanks (in advance) for listing, and thanks (in retrospect) for a GREAT theme.
