new Module: pixaco picture submit
Joined: 2006-04-18
Posts: 3 |
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Hello. Where can I now submit this, so that other user can use it and other (more advanced) developers can continue development?? Thank you Phil P.S. Version 1.00 attached.
Posts: 8601
post your module as an attachment here in the forums and add an entry for it here:
Posts: 3
This module is for ordering images in your cart via
It is using the httpbridge of pixaco and calling the remote page for every picture in the cart.
After finish you will see your order cart at pixaco.
When using the httpbridge there is also the option to have your own title and logo at pixaco, but I did not figure out yet how the user can put in custom text in the gallery admin setup. So if anybody knows, let me know.
The german documentation for the httpbridge can be found here:
Thank you very much
Posts: 5
i try out your module, but it doesn't work. My Cart at Pixaco are always empty. The printing on works and photoworks failed.
My Gallery:
2.1.1 Multisite - Installation
sorry for my BAD english
Posts: 80
i also tried it and had the same problem.
As long as there is no modul for pixaco you can use this:
It works fine and the chart opens in an extra window.
Posts: 5
i try the module now in standalone-installation and the problem is the same.
Posts: 2
didn't work for me either. same problem as mentioned above:
I would really appreaciate somebody being able to fix the module (btw: in gallery 1.5.x pixaco integration worked perfectly)
Posts: 9
Please can you tell me when your module is working with gallery2.1.1?
The workaround at the bottom is working, but its easier to use the buildin cart functions than uploading every single picture to Pixaco.
Posts: 1
One of our users implemented a new plugin:
Posts: 5
hi pixaco
i downloaded the plugin. is there a readme how to install it?
rgds urs
Posts: 5
This "new" plugin looks like the module from boelkstoff.
I have install this "new" plugin (copy into modules-folder) and it doesn't work too.
@pixaco: in your gallery (@ work the plugin correct. Can you tell us, how you are installed this plugin?
Posts: 3
Sorry but currently I dont have much time.
I have tested this module and it worked, but the next day it did not anymore.
I dont know why.
I did everything how the API of pixaco is saying, but it is not working.
Maybe I find some time to finish it and get it to work
Posts: 9
it IS basically the module from Boelkstoff as i described on my homepage.
But there were some little errors and unused code. So, perhaps he couldnt see that the parameter "url$i" was not present in his code. And some littel other mini-errors. So i didnt change his copyright notice from his to mine name. He did the most work on it.
To install u have to copy it to gallery2\modules, install and activate it under "site admin" (u find it under commerce/pixaco) and check if your "short url" module is active.
I dont know which of the checkboxes it must have, i have all checked
Posts: 9
And: Please dont use the link above, perhaps you wont find the gallery
Its my Forum what you will find there
Use for testing the following link:
Posts: 5
I have found my problem. I dont have activate the "short url" module in the gallery and the apache-module "mod_rewrite".
I have now activate the mod_rewrite Module in my Apache-Conf. And add follow lines to my Webpage-Conf
<Directory "/var/www/bla/bla">
AllowOverride All
Options +FollowSymLinks +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
and now it works! Thanks @ thuhn01
Posts: 9
THX for your comment.
I will write an isntallation text and put it into the zip-file.
THX also to boelkstoff for the first work on this module.