Image block populating random images from albums that have been excluded from image block


Joined: 2006-03-28
Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 2006-04-26 07:11

With G2.1.1 the default matrix theme displays a random image, populated by image block. I've configured a large group of albums to be excluded from this - but the images are still being pulled from those albums. Is this a bug?


Joined: 2006-05-01
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-01 04:11
mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-01 18:09

The bug you filed talks about password protected items. The post above talks about the imageblock setting to omit some albums from the image block.. these are very different.

Regardless, I'm unable to reproduce either case. You'll need to post detailed steps to reproduce and a link to a site with this problem would help too.

FAQ: What information is required when I ask for help in the forums?

Here's what I tried:
- add 3 imageblocks to matrix sidebar
- omit a couple albums and all subalbums from imageblock (edit album / album tab)
- i already have a password protected album (and a hidden album)
- logout
- reloaded page several times.. don't see any images from omitted-albums, password-album or hidden-album


Joined: 2006-03-28
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-01 18:39

So, you'll notice in the original post I mentioned a large group of albums. I suspect the problem with testing before release is that small cases are working - and for me it was too. The problem becomes a problem when there are a large amount of albums or a large amount of items IN the album.

So what i've noticed, or my ultimate gut feel, is that when I configure the album for "prevent this album from appearing in image block" on an album with over 1200+ items or sub albums, the gallery process performing this work doesn't complete itself - and so some of the albums or items have that mark set, and others don't.

Consider my directory tree:
My root gallery -> 2006 -> April -> April 1
My root gallery -> 2006 -> April -> April 2
My root gallery -> 2006 -> April -> April 3
My root gallery -> 2006 -> April -> April 4
My root gallery -> 2006 -> April -> April 5
My root gallery -> 2006 -> April -> April 6
My root gallery -> 2006 -> April -> April 7
My root gallery -> 2006 -> April -> April 8
My root gallery -> 2006 -> April -> April 30

If I go to the album "April" - the parent of all the days within April, and set that flag, I started to notice that my image block violation occured on albums that were towards the end of the month. Particularly albums with more than 1200 items to boot. So i'd typically see "April 24" or "April 18" - but in the times i'd see "April 5" it would be because "April 5" had 1400 pictures in it.

I don't know how to query the DB and ask it for a listing of the folders/flags - I haven't bothered to poke around and look - but i'm dead certain that this is the case. If I go back to April 5 i'll 90% of the time see that April 5 doesn't have that flag set - although albums around it do - and if i set it - and the operation completes - it's fine.

I think gallery has a problem with large amounts of data. The site is locked down, but if you do it for a large gallery, i'm sure you'll find the same problem. Now, I don't know how an empty gallery with only 2 folders of 1500 pictures will behave - my gallery never had problems until it had crested over 50k photos. THEN the album set flag issue started appearing, and those later months would show up in image block.

Here's a printout of what my gallery looks like, from the root. I'd long since removed about 20k photos, to make the site respond a bit better. In total, I'd had 50k images when the problem started. Currently, there are 30,954 images in the gallery.

April 2006 (album containing 588 items)
March 2006 (album containing 854 items)
February 2006 (album containing 760 items)
January 2006 (album containing 885 items)
The months of 2005 (album containing 15408 items)
The months of 2004 (album containing 8852 items)
The months of 2003 (album containing 2225 items)
Favourite Photos (album containing 1071 items)
Professional Photos (album containing 174 items)
Videos (album containing 137 items )



Joined: 2006-03-28
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-01 18:43

I don't know who opened the bug, but my post never had anything to do with password protected items. The whole site is protected by http/.htaccess, nothing to do with gallery. Once in, you can see everything (currently).

If the latest post from me doesn't help, let me know. As I mentioned, it's happening only once a fair amount of data occurs in the gallery - once there are numerous "big" folders with lots of data (+1400 items)

Year -> Month -> Date is my structure - and i found when I set the "prevent this from showing up in image block" on the MONTH that the DATE albums towards the end of the month did not have the flag - or had the flag, but acted as if they didn't. Those that had the flag but acted like they didn't had more than 1400+ items in them.


mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-01 19:31

yup, looks like this code doesn't use a progress bar, and it should.
the table g2_ImageBlockDisabledMap should have every itemId that should not appear....


Joined: 2006-03-28
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-01 20:10

OK - well I don't know about that, but there were major errors coming back from the gallery when i'd do this. You can track them down under other posts, but basically, they're something like:

1. timeout after 30 seconds (from some module)
2. Error from core gallery.classes on line 988 (addmapentry)

I can pull out the specifics, but i've posted them in the troubleshooting forum on this site. I made those posts before i'd had a week with the problem and started to get a gut feel for what's going on. I'd also done so before tweaks were made to php.ini, which is something I think gallery should force or at least bring to the forefront of user's minds - because making the tweaks alleviated the problem some of the time. =)

In any event - a progress bar or not wouldn't have stopped the problem - it's not as if I was interrupting the process myself - this is something that's going on server side without user intervention.


mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-01 22:34

current svn now uses a progressbar for recursive updates of ImageBlockDisabledMap.