Acceptable use / Agreement. Possible?


Joined: 2005-08-08
Posts: 37
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-01 17:43

Is it possible to display some sort of acceptable use screen when a user signs up?

I am using G2 from CVS, but i am starting to have a problem with people uploading (C) material. So i would like to be able to display an "acceptable use" policy when signing up.

Sure, people usually take the photos down when i mail them, but more then a few says "You could have told us that earlier", even tho i _do_ post that information on the main page of the site, where i have the link to the sign-up page.

Can this be done in some clever way?

Lapinoo's picture

Joined: 2004-05-08
Posts: 378
Posted: Thu, 2006-05-04 14:04

I don't think this could be easily done right now.

Check if somebody has already filled a feature request for that and vote for it.
If you find none, then fill a new feature request and vote for it!