Multiple images displayed.


Joined: 2003-03-17
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2003-03-17 16:25

I've searched this forum about this topic, and found a bunch of people asking but no real answers. Has anybody yet figured out how to have more then one random image in the random image block?

I fooled around with cutting and pasting code and was able to get the same random image displayed side by side, but thats about it.



Joined: 2003-02-17
Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 2003-03-21 16:54

I've been able to successfully hack this:
Step 1:
Copy line 129 "$album = chooseAlbum();" (inclusive) up to but not including the line reading "themesideblock($row);" and paste it in again. Essentially this block of code should be executed twice in a row.
Step 2:
Find the second occurance of
$row['content'] = ""
and change it to
$row['content'] .= ""

I suppose you can change the positioning by mucking with the html.