multiple installations with customization


Joined: 2003-01-22
Posts: 9
Posted: Tue, 2003-03-18 15:08


I have a site with multiple users and wanted to give each user the ability to administer his own gallery. I think the "safest" way to do that, without having to change too much code, would be to have multiple, independent installations of gallery, one per user.

My questions...

1. Is that even feasible?
2. How much space does a typical gallery installation take?
3. Is it possible to configure/customize the database (or table) which gallery uses, such that each user would have their own database or table?
4. Any idea how far away G2 is from being stable?

Thanks for your help

joan's picture

Joined: 2002-10-21
Posts: 3473
Posted: Tue, 2003-03-18 16:22

That's the best way to do it. It's easy to create separate files for each user. The gallery installation (not counting albums) is about one meg.

Don't know about G2, but it's not at alpha yet.


Joined: 2003-01-22
Posts: 9
Posted: Tue, 2003-03-18 16:33

Thank you.

My concern about multiple installations is having to update.

Is it possible to have one central install, but have it read different config files? Is the database/table specified in a config file?

Would it be possible to use the rewrite_mod to run gallery with different configuration files (meaning, is there a runtime option for gallery to read a specific config file) ?

joan's picture

Joined: 2002-10-21
Posts: 3473
Posted: Tue, 2003-03-18 16:38

Separate installs for each user would be easiest. To update, you just keep .htaccess and config.php and copy the new files in.

If you really want to only have one copy of gallery, have a look at <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF=";aid=641075&amp;group_id=7130&amp;atid=307130" TARGET="_blank">this</A><!-- BBCode End -->


Joined: 2003-01-22
Posts: 9
Posted: Fri, 2003-04-18 16:01

Thanks for the response,

But one other question... doesn't gallery use one database? How can it acommodate "multiple installations" that way? I'm assuming I would have to specify different databases for each install. If so, how is that done?

Thanks again

Separate installs for each user would be easiest. To update, you just keep .htaccess and config.php and copy the new files in.

If you really want to only have one copy of gallery, have a look at <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF=";aid=641075&amp;group_id=7130&amp;atid=307130" TARGET="_blank">this</A><!-- BBCode End -->

beckett's picture

Joined: 2002-08-16
Posts: 3474
Posted: Fri, 2003-04-18 16:07

Gallery stores its database information inside the albums directory, which is also where the photos are stored.

So provided there's a unique albums directory for each gallery, you can use the same gallery code for all the galleries (except for the unique config.php and .htaccess needed for each gallery).

But again, separate installs are easiest (you can have as many galleries as you like on one server). Remember... the Gallery code is only a few hundred kilobytes, compared to the megabytes your photos will take up, so it's okay to have multiple copies of the code. But as Joan says, if you really want a single codebase, then read the link she provided.

-Beckett (



Joined: 2006-08-24
Posts: 12
Posted: Tue, 2007-12-04 18:26


I want to have separate installs of Gallery on my web site to handle photos from 2006 separately from 2007. I use Vdeck to administer my web site, and they provide a link to install Gallery. Since I already have it installed once, I must be doing something wrong to get it installed a 2nd time. The install link appears to work briefly, then just stops and acts like nothing is happening. I read what you wrote, "So provided there's a unique albums directory for each gallery, you can use the same gallery code for all the galleries (except for the unique config.php and .htaccess needed for each gallery)." I'm trying to figure out if I can copy the Gallery folder and just modify certain things to get a 2nd copy running, or do you have to literally install a 2nd copy somehow, and if so, could you please help me? I'm not overly experienced at this. Just trying my best. THANKS!