I'm a mac user, how do I use this software?

Tracy Kometani

Joined: 2006-05-12
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-22 16:45

I'm a mac user, how do I use this software?

h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-22 17:13

Gallery needs to be installed on a webserver that has PHP support. If thats a mac or not doesn't matter. Nor does it matter if the client OS is Mac or something else.

h0bbel - Gallery Team
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Joined: 2006-05-22
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-22 18:38

Hey Tracy

I'm on Mac too. I got 'Port Authority' and 'DarwinPorts' - try http://www.pure-mac.com/cli.html. Once you've downloaded and installed these, you'll find that Gallery is one of the products listed in Port Authority. And as if by magic, once the install had finished, there it was. All that remained was to activate the php & mySQL that both ship in OS 10.4 and off it went.

I know nothing about Unix or Tech stuff, it just worked like we Mac folks have come to expect!


Tracy Lee Kometani

Joined: 2006-05-12
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2006-05-24 19:00

thank you so much. that was so helpfull. I am not quite there yet however.
How do you see the pages you can post your images on?
I'd imagine there are tempates of some sort. How do you see them to select from them?


Joined: 2006-05-22
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2006-05-25 07:05

No problem. You don't see a template to put pictures into; once you've set it up you can allow only the admin user to add pictures, or you can allow only registered users, or you can allow anyone (I think). You tell Gallery how you want the layout to be (how many up, across etc) and what you want to show about each picture. Then once the pix are uploaded to your web server, others can see them. Take a look at www.granstrans.com if you want to see how mine look! (If anyone else is reading this thread and see any inaccuracy in my comment, please correct me so that Tracy's not mislead - I'm not technical at all. I just needed a vehicle to share a load of slides my Grandmother took in the 1960's with the rest of my family, and Gallery was the obvious choice!)

Makes sense?


Tracy Kometani

Joined: 2006-05-12
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2006-05-27 14:33

Thanks so much again for all your patience!
Ok, I think I will only have one more question and then I will get it.
How do you activate the php & mySQL?
I got an automatic download that has an adobe go live page with a small box that has php written on it, another page that say's index.
Are these the links that will be pages on my site with uploaded images? Do I need to set up a link? How will I do that?