2 Galleries


Joined: 2006-05-17
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2006-05-26 01:11

Hi, i'm going to install Gallery2 in a new site, but i have a doubt: in this site i need to put 2 independent galleries. I mean, in the main menu there will be, for example:

- Home
- Galley A
- Gallery B
- Contact

I've read something about the multisite installation, but i'm not sure this is what i need because there is only one site, in the same domain name and in the same website.
Gallery A and Gallery B will show different subgalleries and images.

Do i have to use multisite? or how can i put a second independent gallery in the main menu? Both galleries could share the same database, this is not a problem.

I forgot to tell you that Galley2 will be embebed in Joomla 1.0.8 with Gallery2 Bridge, so i'm talking about the main menu of Joomla.

Thank you very much...