i need someone to configure gallery2 for me with these specific capabilities:
-paypal checkout
-ability for customer to choose from multiple size photos they want, each at a different price
i already have a host and can provide access via ftp.
you tell me your price. i can paypal.
thanks for your time.
Posts: 1894
There is a paypal checkout module floating around, do you still think you need some help with that ?
If so I can help you out for a modest donation

The Termite
Posts: 11
Termitenshort did an AWESOME job!!! He is HIGHLY recommended! He went above and beyond my expectations, completed my job in a couple hours, and even put in some extra stuff.
If you need a Gallery Developer.. talk to this guy. Super friendly and Super Smart!
Posts: 108
Can you post a link to your website so we can see the results too?