How to embed Gallery albums into HTML pages?


Joined: 2006-06-16
Posts: 324
Posted: Fri, 2006-06-16 17:12

Hi there...I am evaluating using gallery for a new photography website. I read the embedding page but it wasn't very clear in some ways. Can I embed specific albums from Gallery into indidual HTML pages? For instance I have an HTML template that contains the site's navigation, header, metas, copy, etc. and then at the bottom I want to embed whatever specific album of images that the HTML page is about. Is this possible? How is it done? Thanks

Washington DC Stock Photography


Joined: 2007-09-24
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2007-09-25 18:44

Did you ever figure out how to do this?
This is what I want to do as well.


Joined: 2006-01-24
Posts: 492
Posted: Tue, 2007-09-25 20:26

Joined: 2009-02-02
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2009-02-02 02:46

Nabble also has an embeddable photo gallery - you create an gallery and copy a javascript code into your html to embed the gallery into your page.