Odd Error when viewing an image in an album.


Joined: 2002-08-31
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2002-08-31 17:21

I have gallery 1.3.1 installed and running on my site. I've been able to create albums and upload pictures without issue (okay, that's not entirely true - NetBPM gave me some headaches initially). When I click on an album, and then click on an individual picture, here's what happens. The picture enlarges and displays fine, but I get the following error under the picture, in the footer.

Warning: Failed opening 'html_wrap/photo.footer.default' for inclusion (include_path='.') in /export/web17/omega/ten-8c/www/gallery/gallery/util.php on line 466

Can anyone offer a suggestion on why this might be happening? To see it in action, click

<!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://www.ten-8.com" TARGET="_blank">Here</A><!-- BBCode End -->

and then click on "Gallery" in the topmost menu bar. Open an album, and then select a picture and you'll see what I mean.


bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sat, 2002-08-31 18:50

The problem is that there is no photo.footer.default file in your html_wrap directory. This file comes with the distribution so somewhere along the line you must have accidentally renamed or deleted it. Restore it from the tarball and your problem will go away.