Cannot rebuild thumbnails/resized images


Joined: 2003-10-24
Posts: 41
Posted: Mon, 2006-07-03 23:45

I cannot rebuild thumbnails and resized images. Sometimes the action is confirmed, but broken thumbnails appear - not all, but part of the images in the album. Sometimes thumbnail processing is fine, but rebuilding resized images stops, e.g. counter freezes at image 414 of 470 in an album... this happens both in admin/maintenance and (depending of size of album?) in individual albums. Any solution in sight?

Gallery-Version = 2.1.1 Kern
PHP-Version = 4.4.1 cgi
Webserver = Apache/df-exts 1.2 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.8.22 OpenSSL/0.9.7d AuthPG/1.3 FrontPage/
Datenbank = mysqlt 3.23.58-log, lock.system=flock
Werkzeuge = ArchiveUpload, ImageMagick, Thumbnail, SquareThumb, Exif, Getid3, Gd
Beschleunigung = none, none
Betriebssystem = Linux 2.4.29-grsec #10 SMP Mon Jul 4 14:26:46 CEST 2005 i686
Standard-Motiv = PGtheme
Sprache = de_DE
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060508 Firefox/

h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-04 06:56

Anything in your apache error logs? Tried enabling debug mode? Anything speciel about the images it halts on?

h0bbel - Gallery Team
If you found my help useful, please consider donating to Gallery


Joined: 2003-10-24
Posts: 41
Posted: Wed, 2006-07-05 22:39

Here's the error log:

sh: fork: Die Ressource ist zur Zeit nicht verfügbar {resource is not available at this time}
[Tue Jul 4 19:06:06 2006] [error] Premature end of script headers: /path/album/main.php

Debug mode does not work, because when enabled, I just see a blank page. Maybe, because I'm in imbedded mode?

I don't see anything special with the images not being processed. Seems they are processed randomly: some come and go with each rebuild run. They were done before without problems after their upload; I just decided to change the tumbnail size...

From the error log, is it that the server (my provider) doesn't allow for enough time to process the rebuilding?

Looks like giving Gd priority over ImageMagick helped a bit: some albums (with about 300 to 400 photos in them) are being processed now.
But: If I go to maintenance and have all images processed, it always stops after 35 to 10 pictures... I can continue from there by pressing the "Reload" button, but with 3.000+ images it's a pretty tedious task...

Update 2:
At image no. 1895 the process stops completely, the following error message appears, and also a window pops up, showing the SmartyDebug console.

Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT) : Missing object for 7129

* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 1852 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 109 (gallerystorageextras::_identifyentities)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 54 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules/core/classes/BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 94 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules/core/ at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
* in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
* in /mysite/g2data/smarty/templates_c/%%558535239/%%0B^0B4^0B4F6589%%theme.tpl.php at line 418 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
* in lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php at line 1251
* in modules/core/classes/GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
* in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
* in main.php at line 87
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class at line 192
* in /path/gallery.php at line 47 (galleryembed::handlerequest)


Joined: 2006-05-17
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2006-07-06 09:59



Joined: 2006-07-06
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2006-07-06 20:04

Me too. I am just setting up a personal website with a photo gallery so I only have about 10-12 photos out there. But it sounds like I am having the same issue; can't rebuild thumbnails.

Ranger187's picture

Joined: 2005-12-02
Posts: 204
Posted: Sun, 2006-07-09 15:52

I have over 20,000 images. And my thread is here... Unfortunately, every team member can post, except in the support area. Or maybe they just don't care. Since I've posted and many many others have with no help whatsoever....


Joined: 2003-10-24
Posts: 41
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-11 21:46

I still hope that someone is seeing into this... h0bble?

ozit's picture

Joined: 2003-11-27
Posts: 27
Posted: Wed, 2006-07-12 17:09

I have the same problem.
I have nothing in the apache error log.
When I add the one or more photos, there is no error message.
I'm using the gallery-2.1.1a-full and the update have been done without problem.
The problem is the same with GD, NetPBM, ImageMagick.
Any idee for us ?
Thanks by advance.

PS : excuse my english


Joined: 2006-07-13
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2006-07-13 00:55

same problem here... i can't use the batch resize *at all*. i can resize the photos individually, but I'm not really into doing that for 400 some odd photos.

ozit's picture

Joined: 2003-11-27
Posts: 27
Posted: Thu, 2006-07-13 08:44

Hi chow, what is the graphic tool you use ?
GD, NetPBM, ImagMagick.
If all or both of them, what is the priority ?


Joined: 2006-07-13
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2006-07-13 16:51

I'm using gd at the moment. Highest priority on GD possible.

ozit's picture

Joined: 2003-11-27
Posts: 27
Posted: Thu, 2006-07-13 20:29

Thanks for tour reply chow.
For me, event for a photo (individualy), I can not resize it with all tool, GD, NetPbm, ...
I have 40 000 photos that works find but since I upgrade Gallery, I have those problems.
I'm really waiting any help or upgrade.


Joined: 2006-07-14
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2006-07-14 03:07

I have the same problem. I cannot rebuild thumbnails and resized images. I can't do it using the global tool (in lib/support), and I can't do it on a per album basis ("Edit Album", "Recreate thumbnails" -- "Recreate resized images"). All I ever see are broken thumbnails. ALthough some seem to be rectangular and some seem to be square (the square thumbnails module is disabled).


Joined: 2006-07-14
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2006-07-14 05:12

Hi, all. Guess what? Me too!

Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT) : Missing object for 31162
in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 1852 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 109 (GalleryStorageExtras::_identifyEntities)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (GalleryStorageExtras::loadEntities)
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (GalleryStorage::loadEntities)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (GalleryEntityHelper_simple::loadEntitiesById)
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 712 (GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::rebuildCache)
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (GalleryCoreApi::rebuildDerivativeCache)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple::rebuildCacheIfNotCurrent)
in modules/core/classes/BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 94 (GalleryCoreApi::rebuildDerivativeCacheIfNotCurrent)
in modules/core/ at line 100 (BuildDerivativesTask::run)
in ??? at line 0 (AdminMaintenanceController::runTask)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
in /home/pics/smarty/templates_c/%%4217124040/%%6A^6A5^6A56B843%%theme.tpl.php at line 90 (GalleryTemplateAdapter::trailer)
in lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php at line 1251
in modules/core/classes/GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (Smarty::fetch)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (GallerySmarty::fetch)
in main.php at line 412 (GalleryTemplate::display)
in main.php at line 87
in main.php at line 80

This is with Gallery 2.1.1a on Gentoo (Kernel 2.6.11, GCC 3.4.6, glibc 2.3.6, Apache 2.0.58, PHP 5.1.4, MySQL 4.1.20). It doesn't matter which toolkit I'm using, either. It freezes somewhere between 10150 and 10155 of 13086 ... and, of course, I have no idea what image that acutally is on disk.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I just uploaded 2200 shots from a recent trip and want to get them shared!



Joined: 2006-07-05
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2006-07-14 19:32

It's beginning to look like G2 is not ready for prime time...

Too bad, as I just spent a couple of weeks converting my 9000 pics.

Back to g1...

I've posted several pleas, and not a single response from anyone with any help.... Just a bunch of co-miserating.... How sad.


h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Fri, 2006-07-14 20:20

I don't know whats going on there. I'll see if any of the developers might have any insight.

(btw: we are allowed to go on vacations once in a while, aren't we? :) )

h0bbel - Gallery Team
If you found my help useful, please consider donating to Gallery

joe7rocks's picture

Joined: 2004-10-07
Posts: 560
Posted: Fri, 2006-07-14 21:48

Hi All!
I would call these database inconsistency.
Your tables and/or phisical files on disk are NOT in sync.

This could happen due to an interrupted action/hw reset during transaction and things like this.
I'm afraid both of these r only manually repairable

joe7rocks's picture

Joined: 2004-10-07
Posts: 560
Posted: Fri, 2006-07-14 21:53

RE: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT) : Missing object for 7129
Could u check out what kind of entity is the one with id 7129 ?

Please login to your g2 database, eg using PhpMyAdmin and copypaste the output of
SELECT * FROM `g2_Entity` WHERE `g_id` =7129;

same for anyone else with different id!

joe7rocks's picture

Joined: 2004-10-07
Posts: 560
Posted: Fri, 2006-07-14 21:55

as GD usually eats up (much) more mem, I would suggest using ImageMagick with the highest priority (especially on shared hosts)


Joined: 2006-07-14
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2006-07-14 22:06

Well, maybe I can add my problem here.

I get this error message when I try to recreate all thumbs and resized images.

in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 180 (gallerycoreapi::error)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 712 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
in modules/core/classes/BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 94 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
in modules/core/ at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
in data/smarty/templates_c/%%2175559060/%%3A^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 76 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
in lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php at line 1251
in modules/core/classes/GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
in main.php at line 413 (gallerytemplate::display)
in main.php at line 88
in main.php at line 81

I guess I've tried everything that's provided by G2 itself (deleting cache, thumbs, support tools...).
I searched the forum, and tried to make my way through some others (solved) threads (like this one: ), but I'm no database specialist and no hardcore-coder, that's why it was no real help. BTW their error message looks different :)

There is a maybe similiar but unanswered help requests in the german board too...

Maybe someone can help. Thanks in adavance.


Joined: 2003-10-24
Posts: 41
Posted: Sat, 2006-07-15 16:41


The SELECT returned an empty result. Looks like there's a pointer to nowhere, right?

I have no clue how to fix that... HELP, please!


Joined: 2006-07-14
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2006-07-15 19:54
joe7rocks wrote:
I would call these database inconsistency.
Your tables and/or phisical files on disk are NOT in sync.
This could happen due to an interrupted action/hw reset during transaction and things like this.
I'm afraid both of these r only manually repairable

I don't want to sound like I disrespect your good work on G2, but it seems (after what I read here in the forums) that these kind of problem occurs quite often, and what I really miss is some tool to check & repair the database. I fear I ain't experienced enough to fix it manually.

joe7rocks's picture

Joined: 2004-10-07
Posts: 560
Posted: Sat, 2006-07-15 20:00
The SELECT returned an empty result. Looks like there's a pointer to nowhere, right?

I have no clue how to fix that... HELP, please! should find now where is this objest (in which table(s)) and remove it. -it's likely not to work/exist anyway, as it's missing from entities table-
We will see what is it exactly before u remove it. (based on which table has this id)

Try these, one of these should find it I guess:
Select * From `g2_Derivative` where `g_id`= 7129;
Select * From `g2_Derivative` where `g_derivativeSourceId`= 7129;
Select * From `g2_ChildEntity` where `g_id`= 7129;
Select * From `g2_Item` where `g_id`= 7129;

If still nothing then I'll have to look at the code itself.. ;)

joe7rocks's picture

Joined: 2004-10-07
Posts: 560
Posted: Sat, 2006-07-15 20:11
curb45 wrote:
I don't want to sound like I disrespect your good work on G2, but it seems (after what I read here in the forums) that these kind of problem occurs quite often, and what I really miss is some tool to check & repair the database. I fear I ain't experienced enough to fix it manually.

1. I agree that it shouldn't happen at all
2. A tool for _checking_ these kind of errors is available from svn afaik, though it can't repair them yet.
3. I'm just rebuilding _all_ of my derivatives and as the progressbar says: "Processing image 246520 of 431740" w/o any errors so far, I'd doubt it happens _that_ often in 'normal conditions' (it's a gallery with 2400+ users and quite a few pictures as u can see)
4. Please vote on this feature request (or create it if not already existed), that can help things get done earlier :)

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Mon, 2006-07-17 00:08

Just got back from a long weekend of camping. Hooray for summer! Boo about database errors, though.

There are two classes of errors here:

1. The graphics toolkit can't build the thumbnail. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but replacing GD with a better toolkit often times fixes the problem. GD is rife with problems.

2. The "rebuild thumbnails" task can be made more robust easily. I've just done so and committed the fix to G2.2. But in the meantime, you can download and replace modules/core/classes/BuildDerivativesTask.class with the file from here:

then when you re-run the task it will not stop if there's trouble loading one of the images. Figuring out exactly why that rows in the database got de-synced for that image is much harder, but skipping what's broken will probably get you most of the way to where you want to be.

ozit's picture

Joined: 2003-11-27
Posts: 27
Posted: Mon, 2006-07-17 08:33

Hi all,

Thanks Bharat for the class file, but, for me, I think the problem is somewhere else.

I want to test GD, can someone give me a command line to make a thumbnail from a photo ?



Joined: 2004-07-22
Posts: 12
Posted: Mon, 2006-07-17 16:06

This is fixed for me now by using ImageMagick. I first tried using bharat's new class file, but it didn't help- rebuild images would just hang. Finally, I compiled and installed ImageMagick and it worked for me (after changing the Toolkit priority).

For reference, my symptoms were exactly as geewee describes in this thread. I don't think I had the database inconsistencies, but I didn't look into it deeply enough to figure that out.

ozit's picture

Joined: 2003-11-27
Posts: 27
Posted: Mon, 2006-07-17 16:53

Hi fef,
What is your distribution ?
How did you install ImageMagick ?


Joined: 2004-07-22
Posts: 12
Posted: Mon, 2006-07-17 18:47

For this install, I'm running Gallery on FreeBSD. There are installation instructions on the ImageMagick website that worked for me (and should for most Unix/Linux systems). It took a few minutes to compile and install, so be patient if you go this way. After that it was immediately recognized as soon as I enabled ImageMagick from within Gallery.

Browse the ImageMagick site for Windows or Mac instructions.

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-18 04:49

The class file I provided will only help in the case that the "rebuild images" task actually errors out with a stack trace. Most of the other problems you're seeing are probably from GD blowing out your memory limit, which is not something that we can solve (except by supporting other toolkits -- which we do!)

ozit's picture

Joined: 2003-11-27
Posts: 27
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-18 08:26

thanks, I'm going to try ImageMagick.
My server is on a Fedora Core 2 (I know, it is an old distribution, but I bought it 2 years ago to my provider)
I will write here the result of this modification.
Thanks fef and bharat.


ozit's picture

Joined: 2003-11-27
Posts: 27
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-18 21:18

Hi all,
You know what ! The problem did not come from the wonderfull Gallery, but from my ftp client !!!
Yes, I've try ImageMagick and the result was the same, no thumbnail was created, but some photos was were cut, not nice, not entire.
I've done some test on my server : the files were not upload enterily !

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Thu, 2006-07-20 05:04



Joined: 2006-07-20
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2006-07-20 15:06

I had a completely blank screen when I tried to run the thumbnail and resize maintenance. Had previously activated NetPDM. Went in to the modules and deactived gd and activated debugging and developer tools and it worked fine. I should have just changed one thing :-( It also fixed the problem I had with a picture not displaying.


Joined: 2006-07-20
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2006-07-20 21:47

I'm having a similar problem.
I can upload jpg or png files fine, but it croaks when I try to upload movies.

I've tried several different files in different formats - .mov, .wmf, .avi, so it doesn't seem like a codec problem.

Here's the output.
- Adding heli.wmv
Resizing/compressing original image
Cannot resize/compress this filetype
Warning: copy(/home/admin5150/public_html/gallery/albums/images/movie.thumb.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/admin5150/public_html/gallery/platform/fs_unix.php on line 26

The file /home/admin5150/public_html/gallery/albums/album12/heli_002.thumb.jpg does not exist ?!

above is debug mode on, I tried switching from NetPBM to ImageMagick.

I've done everything in the relevant wiki entry

Anybody with any idea what I need to do to convince it to recognize video?



floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2006-07-21 03:08

Anniepoo is this G2 or G1 (this is a G2 forum.)
The error says it all.... gallery can't find this file:

If you want gallery to make thumbnails _FROM_ the movie then you will need to install ffmpeg and enable that module (G2 only)

Blog with G2 || Gallery Frames / Mods || G1 Test Gallery


Joined: 2006-07-20
Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 2006-07-21 17:03

Thanks for the reply. This is G1. Sorry, new to site, I'll repost on the G1 forum.

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Thu, 2006-07-27 01:38


It's GD that's messing you up, so removing that fixes it. You could also go to Site Admin -> Toolkit Priority and give it a low priority (but deactivating it is usually just as good).

Volatile_M's picture

Joined: 2006-07-30
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2006-07-30 12:02

I had updated galleries which had the thums in. addition of a new album delivered me the same prob as described above.
After finding this topic, setting ImageMagick and rebuilding the thumbs in SiteAdmin section, everything was ok.

usacomp2k3's picture

Joined: 2005-09-25
Posts: 19
Posted: Tue, 2006-08-01 19:24

Well I tried that new .class file, and that at least let it rebuild from the admin page, but when I try and rebuild the thumbnails from the 'edit album, rebuild all' option, then it doesn't work then. I'm using Imagemagick, FWIW.

Basically it gets this far, then doesn't go any further. The reason that I know it didn't work is that the thumbnails on the album page are 150px, when I changed it to 175:

Processing image 1344 of 4492

How does one go about checking for errors in the database such that I could manually go through and fix the problems?


Joined: 2005-09-20
Posts: 12
Posted: Tue, 2006-08-01 20:43
2. The "rebuild thumbnails" task can be made more robust easily. I've just done so and committed the fix to G2.2. But in the meantime, you can download and replace modules/core/classes/BuildDerivativesTask.class with the file from here:
then when you re-run the task it will not stop if there's trouble loading one of the images. Figuring out exactly why that rows in the database got de-synced for that image is much harder, but skipping what's broken will probably get you most of the way to where you want to be.

Hey guys, I just stumbled upon this topic while searching for a solution to a similar problem. It's not 100% the same, but I didn't want to open a whole new thread for it, so please excuse this hijacking :-)
To explain the situation I need to describe a little bit of what I screwed up. All began with a normal update of Gallery2. Just to be sure, I backuped the whole thing with a backup-script from my hoster, that creates a big tar.gz with the whole webspace in it. The update went wrong, and I restored the whole backup. Unfortunately, for some mysterious reason every file was restored _except_ the jpgs in /g2data/.
So there I was, a whole gallery2 installation without the pictures (~250). I went through a lot of work to find them locally on my hard drive again, rename them, resize them and upload them via FTP in the correct album folder. That sort of restored them, but _not_ the thumbs. Now I've tried to use the "Build thumbs..." function in the admin interface to rebuild them. However, some of the pictures are still missing (they are not on my HD) so the function always returned an error. I tried your modified .class file to fix the problem by just skipping the missing pictures, which doesn't generate an error anymore, but says "The Build all thumbnails/resizes task failed to complete successfully." after clicking "Continue". It rebuilt 5 thumbs, the rest is still missing.

I would be very, very thankful for any solution. THANKS A BIG BUNCH in advance!

Airboss :-)

(If you need any kind of additional information, i.e. certain debug info or else, let me know)

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-03 01:30

@Airboss: doh! Sorry to hear that your backup was incomplete. So if I understand correctly, it's only rebuilding 5 of your thumbs and skipping the rest of them? Or did it rebuild most of them but only 5 of the missing ones? I need to know a little more about the images that *didn't* have their thumbs rebuilt. Can you give us the url to your g2 and the url to one of the broken thumbs? We should be able to figure out more about it from that.


Joined: 2005-09-20
Posts: 12
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-03 09:53

Yeah, somehow the Confixx backup script had a bug.

Anyway: There are about 5 working thumbnails, the remaining ~150 pictures have no thumb.
The URL is:
The working thumbs are in the Excursions album. Some pictures can't have thumbs, because I couldn't recover (=find them on my local HD and upload them) them yet. But a lot of them are already recovered (for example on the 1st page in Excursions, the last picture in the 2nd row; "UC Berkeley") and still don't have thumbs. Another example would be the 2nd page: Only one working thumb even though all the pictures on the page work in "full size" view.

Thanks for your help!


(p.s. If you need admin access, let me know. :-))


Joined: 2005-10-28
Posts: 3
Posted: Sat, 2006-08-19 07:15

Sound familiar?

Error Detail -
Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT) : Missing object for 486

* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 1852 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 109 (gallerystorageextras::_identifyentities)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryTheme.class at line 1243 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in themes/floatrix/ at line 89 (floatrixtheme::loadcommontemplatedata)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryTheme.class at line 916 (floatrixtheme::showalbumpage)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryView.class at line 325 (floatrixtheme::loadtemplate)
* in main.php at line 386 (showitemview::doloadtemplate)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80

System Information
Gallery version 2.1.1
PHP version 4.4.1 apache
Webserver Apache
Database mysql 4.0.16
Toolkits SquareThumb, ImageMagick, NetPBM, Gd
Operating system FreeBSD 4.10-SATA-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.10-SATA-RELEASE #0: T i386
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/

My error occurred after using Cute FTP to upload a modded file (UserAlbumHelper.class). The site works just fine if I'm not logged in or if I create a new account. But the admin account is jacked. If I try to log in as admin I get the error above. I anticipated a possible failure and saved the original file, just renamed it "old." Then when the error happened, I deleted the new file and reverted to the "old" file by restoring the correct name. No go - same error.

Here's where it gets weird: I created a test account and logged in just fine. So I thought hey, maybe it fixed itself! I logged out and tried to log in again as admin and got the same error again. Now if I use the browsers back button to return to my logged in screen of my test account and then hit the refresh button...voila! I'm logged in as admin!

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks for your help.

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Tue, 2006-08-22 05:23

@sd12013: that's odd. You have a data integrity issue. What did you mod in UserAlbumHelper.class? I wonder if you accidentally introduce a data integrity problem by making a change to the code. It would help to know exactly what you did. What do you get if you do

SELECT * FROM g2_Entity WHERE g_id=486;

in mysql?


Joined: 2006-08-23
Posts: 12
Posted: Wed, 2006-08-23 13:51

here are the "images" that I can't work with anymore. How do I get rid of these?

This page is valid XHTML 1.0 Gallery 2.1.2 G2.1: Blackjack Donate to the Gallery project

Debug output for failed items:

Error: building 3585: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)

* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage\GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 180 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 712 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\classes\BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 92 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\ at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
* in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
* in g2data\smarty\templates_c\%%2298395240\%%3A^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 75 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
* in lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php at line 1251
* in modules\core\classes\GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
* in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80

getParameter permissions.file for core plugin
getParameter for core plugin
Error: building 3586: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)

* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage\GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 180 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 712 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\classes\BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 92 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\ at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
* in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
* in g2data\smarty\templates_c\%%2298395240\%%3A^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 75 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
* in lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php at line 1251
* in modules\core\classes\GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
* in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80

Error: building 3587: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)

* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage\GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 180 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 712 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 720 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\classes\BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 92 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\ at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
* in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
* in g2data\smarty\templates_c\%%2298395240\%%3A^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 75 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
* in lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php at line 1251
* in modules\core\classes\GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
* in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80

Error: building 3589: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)

* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage\GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 180 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 712 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\classes\BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 92 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\ at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
* in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
* in g2data\smarty\templates_c\%%2298395240\%%3A^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 75 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
* in lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php at line 1251
* in modules\core\classes\GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
* in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80

Error: building 3590: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)

* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage\GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 180 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 712 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\classes\BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 92 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\ at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
* in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
* in g2data\smarty\templates_c\%%2298395240\%%3A^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 75 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
* in lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php at line 1251
* in modules\core\classes\GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
* in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80

Error: building 3592: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)

* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage\GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 180 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 712 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\classes\BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 92 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\ at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
* in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
* in g2data\smarty\templates_c\%%2298395240\%%3A^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 75 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
* in lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php at line 1251
* in modules\core\classes\GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
* in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80

Error: building 3593: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)

* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage\GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 180 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 712 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\classes\BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 92 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\ at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
* in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
* in g2data\smarty\templates_c\%%2298395240\%%3A^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 75 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
* in lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php at line 1251
* in modules\core\classes\GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
* in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80

Error: building 3595: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)

* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage\GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 180 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 712 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\classes\BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 92 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\ at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
* in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
* in g2data\smarty\templates_c\%%2298395240\%%3A^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 75 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
* in lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php at line 1251
* in modules\core\classes\GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
* in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80

Error: building 3596: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)

* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage\GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 180 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 712 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\classes\BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 92 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\ at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
* in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
* in g2data\smarty\templates_c\%%2298395240\%%3A^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 75 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
* in lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php at line 1251
* in modules\core\classes\GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
* in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80

Error: building 3598: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)

* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage\GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 180 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 712 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\classes\BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 92 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\ at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
* in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
* in g2data\smarty\templates_c\%%2298395240\%%3A^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 75 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
* in lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php at line 1251
* in modules\core\classes\GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
* in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80

Error: building 3599: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)

* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage\GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 180 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 712 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\classes\BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 92 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\ at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
* in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
* in g2data\smarty\templates_c\%%2298395240\%%3A^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 75 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
* in lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php at line 1251
* in modules\core\classes\GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
* in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80

getParameter for core plugin
Error: building 3601: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)

* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage\GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 180 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 712 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\classes\BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 92 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\ at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
* in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
* in g2data\smarty\templates_c\%%2298395240\%%3A^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 75 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
* in lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php at line 1251
* in modules\core\classes\GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
* in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80

Error: building 3602: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)

* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage\GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 180 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 712 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
* in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\classes\BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 92 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules\core\ at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
* in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
* in g2data\smarty\templates_c\%%2298395240\%%3A^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 75 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
* in lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php at line 1251
* in modules\core\classes\GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
* in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Tue, 2006-08-29 04:52

@sd12013 and @uglytruckling:

I've created a new task to fix these types of database integrity issues. One of our developers is working on it and will let you know when it's done. If you could beta test it and give him feedback, that would be great. He'll check in here from time to time and let you know how it's progressing.

signe's picture

Joined: 2003-07-27
Posts: 2322
Posted: Tue, 2006-08-29 04:56
One of our developers is working on it

That'd be me.

G2 Developer
Your donations help make Gallery


Joined: 2006-08-23
Posts: 12
Posted: Tue, 2006-08-29 07:58

thanks.. I'll be glad to beta this mod when it's ready.


Joined: 2006-03-20
Posts: 16
Posted: Thu, 2006-09-07 16:03
geewee wrote:
At image no. 1895 the process stops completely, the following error message appears, and also a window pops up, showing the SmartyDebug console.

Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT) : Missing object for 7129

    * in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 1852 (gallerycoreapi::error)
 [ ... ]

Presumably this is not recommended, and (of course) you're at your own risk, but...

If you go in to mysql directly, you can clean this up.

What you'll generally find is this: There is an entry in g2_Derivative (replace g2_ with whatever your local prefix is) with 7129 in g_derivativeSourceId where there is no actual object on that table with g_id 7129.


mysql> select * from from g2_Derivative where g_derivativeSourceId = 7129;
+------+----------------------+ ...
| g_id | g_derivativeSourceId | ...
|  412 |                 7129 | ...
+------+----------------------+ ...
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from from g2_Derivative where g_id = 7129;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

You can, if you are brave, then delete that entry from g2_Derivative. You may also have to delete other things that reference the g_id (on g2_Derivative) and the same g_ids from g2_DerivativeImage.

I'm not giving examples of the deletes, nor all the tables involved, because unless you explore enough in Gallery2, and are comfortable enough with databases to work it out, you can completely destroy your installation. Sorry, I can't provide all of that in this post.



Joined: 2003-03-25
Posts: 128
Posted: Tue, 2006-09-12 18:29

I tried using this updated class and still rebuilding the (4000) thumbnails results in a big error... if anyone could tell me what this debug info means:

Debug output for failed items:

getParameter lock.system for core plugin
fopen(/var/www/virtual/, wb+,
flock(Resource id #2303, 6, )

Error (ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION) : convert-to-image/jpeg
video/x-msvideoin modules/core/classes/GalleryDerivative.class
at line 460 (gallerycoreapi::error)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryDerivative.class at line 308
in modules/core/classes/GalleryDerivativeImage.class at line
166 (galleryderivative::rebuildcache)
modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at
line 742 (galleryderivativeimage::rebuildcache)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 956
modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at
line 66 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942
in modules/core/classes/BuildDerivativesTask.class at line
84 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
in modules/core/ at line 100
in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line
at line 101 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
in lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php at line 1251
in modules/core/classes/GallerySmarty.class at line 90
in modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplate.class at line 228
in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
in main.php at line 87
in modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class at line 192
at line 64 (galleryembed::handlerequest)

getParameter permissions.file for core plugin
getParameter for core plugin
fclose(Resource id #2303)