bulk photo summary edit mode?


Joined: 2006-07-12
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2006-07-12 05:11


I regularly upload about 700 photos to my galleries after I finish a trip. I like to add summaries to most of the photos explaining them. However at the moment the only way I can see to do this is the view the album, select the drop-down menu for a photo and go to 'edit photo'. This then allows me to edit the photo summary field for that photo and click the save button. This is tedious for more than a few photos.

Is there a way to edit many of these photo summaries at the same time, or at least in sequence? Ideally it would show maybe 50 photos at a time with a summary box under each one so that I can edit them all in bulk and save all the comments. Is there some feature/module/customization I'm missing in Gallery2 that allows this? I couldn't find anything in the documentation about it.
