Failure (security violation) accessing thumbnail images directly


Joined: 2006-07-20
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2006-07-20 11:48

Hi folks

I'm using G2 as the back-end for managing my photos for my website. I wrote several PHP functions to read the appropriate data from the G2 DB so that I can easily integrate it to my front-end.

I'm having problems with accessing the thumbnail images and I'm hoping someone can quickly point out a silly mistake I'm making. I've got an album named 'clients' in my g2 root that is marked as hidden. Inside that I've got sub-albums that are not hidden. Security is not an issue.

When I try and access the *thumbnail* image, I get the following error:
Security Violation
The action you attempted is not permitted.

Now, if I manually go to g2, open the clients album, then open the sub album, I can see the thumbnails fine, and I've verified that I'm accessing the individuals thumbnails with correct URL. Then, when I go back to my website, *sometimes* I can view the thumbnails fine.

It sounds like it's a security issue, but I don't see why, since you don't need to authenticate to view the albums -- no security is enabled other than the root album being hidden.

Any help I can get on the matter is greatly appreciated. The website is -- enter 060610 as the event ID to see the issue.

Also, on a related topic, I'm trying to figure out what one field in the thumbnail URL is. For example: /gallery2/d/542-2/060610-161143.jpg
542 is the g_id of the image, but what is the '-2'? Or, more appropriately, how do I determine what integer that needs to be?

I know this is a lengthy message -- I just wanted to be clear. Thanks so much for your time and expertise.



Joined: 2008-03-31
Posts: 13
Posted: Thu, 2008-05-01 22:27

Hey jscottkelley,

I know this thread is ancient but did you ever figure out a method of identifying a thumbnail via its URL?

Cheers :-)


Joined: 2006-07-20
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2008-05-02 14:20

Hey, no worries.
Yes and no- I didn't spend a lot of time on it, but I found that if I unhid the albums and did not have any interim image sizes (i.e., just the max resolution and thumbnail) I could reliably pull the thumbnail. This is fine due to how I'm using Gallery- I'm just using the back-end for uploading/managing, and then pulling everything directly via SQL in PHP, as I needed a custom solution and didn't want to spend the time of "integrating" Gallery, if that makes sense.

If you come across a way to access the thumbnails/images of hidden albums directly, I'd love to hear it.