Hi. I have a few questions.
I was wondering how could one display
"Album last updated" and "Last viewed" on the photo pages?
Also for me I have 2 Galleries. One for photos I take and the other screen shots from a game I play (World of Wacraft). The gallery for the sceenshots, would be it possible to exract the date creation not from the exif (since screenshots don't have exif) but from file created date?
And for last, does gallery have "virtual album" feature? What I mean is, lets say I uploaded photos 1 though 10.jpg and put that in an album titled "Paris". And uploaded 11 through 20.jpg in an album titled "Roman". Within Paris and Rome album I keyworded some photos as "[favorite]". Could I create a virtual album that collects photos with the word "[favorite]" instead of re-uploading photos that already exisits?
I know there is a search module, that enables one to searches for "[favorite]" and gets all the photos with that tag. However when clicking on next (or previous) in the search mode they go next to the photo in the album where it resides instead of the next photo from the search.
I hope I didn't ask too much :P
Posts: 8
I have a similar question, so I'll just tag it on here, hoping the answer to Var's question will also be the answer to mine. Especially since I'm now noticing the date and hoping that the functionality has been added in the meantime.
I nominally group my (fine art) photos by project/series. I would like to be able to create another album, called Exhibitions, which displays photos grouped by the art show they were displayed at.
I've installed the Keyword Album plugin, but am still unsure how I would be able to create a distinct navigation scheme for them.
Any advice?