Assuming you have Macromedia/Adobe Flash MX2004 or better, there are many tutorials out there.
The best (in my opinion) would be Lee Brimlow's
Lee's site along with Flash 8 LiveDocs (search flv) should get you where you want to go.
All of Lee's tutorials are based on the actionscript side of flash. Where livedocs will teach you how to use components as well as actionscript.
Have fun with flash and gallery.
Joined: 2003-03-08
Posts: 8
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-11 23:33
Let me know if you build an FLV player you are willing to share. I find the G2FLV to be a little "basic" (i.e. movie scroll bar kind of lacking).
Joined: 2003-03-08
Posts: 8
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-11 23:34
The FLV players on and are nice examples
Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Sat, 2006-08-12 14:19
Are you referring to the scrubber?
You have to remember, these flvs are "progressive" downloads, not true streaming like google and youtube.
You have to wait for enough of the movie to load before the scrubber works.
Or you could spend the money on Flash Media Server ($2500.00) for true streaming.
Joined: 2006-08-05
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2006-08-14 00:04
Yeah Yeah i um ah decompiled the open source G2flv.swf file for all to not have to wonder how to customize your flv player. Thanks alot for all the response. LUV
I have newer better versions of the flashVideo and mp3Audio players which will be available for testing very soon.
Joined: 2006-12-22
Posts: 132
Posted: Fri, 2007-01-12 22:52
suprsidr wrote:
I have newer better versions of the flashVideo and mp3Audio players which will be available for testing very soon.
Can you send a message to me of about this newer version plz ? and post here too ;)
shivaya, stand-up ;)
Joined: 2006-08-05
Posts: 5
Posted: Sat, 2007-01-13 01:57
i think it is really shabby how you cant get the source without decompiling the damn thing. wha da deal wit dat? just let em have it. its really no big deal. really.
Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Sat, 2007-01-13 02:05
Actually the source is available in svn, but with the new versions they are kinda in limbo.
Just completed first round of code reviews for new players.
with this swf, you can set the buffers externally.
flashvideoRenderer.class add a line around line 64:
$flashVars .= '&sb=10&lb=20';
so it would look like this:
$flashVars = 'streamName=' . urlencode($src);
$flashVars .= '&sb=10&lb=20'; // short first pass buffer(sb), and long secondary buffer(lb)
and set your buffers as you like
the new versions will have this also
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2007-01-18 04:31
i know, i'm repeating myself but with a dynamic buffersize that adjusts to the actual transfer rate and movie duration we wouldn't have this problem.
when watching trailsers on your demo page i have the same issue. it's usually not as bad as with the earlier versions of the player, but as long as we use fix buffer sizes we'll have this problem and the result is pretty unsatisfying.
(on the other hand, i'm confident that i'd rarely have this problem on my webhosts server since i usually get huge d/l rates from there).
When doing a progressive download there is no automatic detection of bitrate or client connection.
Flash Media Server($2500) on the otherhand can detect client connection and adjust the bitrate automatically.
the only article I could find and was aimed at the flash media server crowd.
I'm open to any ideas on how I could implement such a dynamic buffering system.
And hopefully on my new site you don't experience the same unsatisfying experience.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2007-01-18 05:47
i sketched the algorithm for such a transfer rate detection / buffer adjusting code in a previous thread / discussion.
i'll get back to you when i have some time.
and no, don't see any problems on your website. didn't realize that this is your domain, good name and the player there makes me proud to have such excellent flash movie support in g2.
Does anyone know how to customize the Flash FLV Media Player in the Flash components? i cant find an example anywhere that actually works...can sum1 plz help! Action Script Only Plz!!! or if you know where a FLA ZIP file is that has an example of a working customized FLV Player.
Posts: 8339
Assuming you have Macromedia/Adobe Flash MX2004 or better, there are many tutorials out there.
The best (in my opinion) would be Lee Brimlow's
Lee's site along with Flash 8 LiveDocs (search flv) should get you where you want to go.
All of Lee's tutorials are based on the actionscript side of flash. Where livedocs will teach you how to use components as well as actionscript.
Have fun with flash and gallery.
Posts: 8
Let me know if you build an FLV player you are willing to share. I find the G2FLV to be a little "basic" (i.e. movie scroll bar kind of lacking).
Posts: 8
The FLV players on and are nice examples
Posts: 8339
Are you referring to the scrubber?
You have to remember, these flvs are "progressive" downloads, not true streaming like google and youtube.
You have to wait for enough of the movie to load before the scrubber works.
Or you could spend the money on Flash Media Server ($2500.00) for true streaming.
Posts: 5
Yeah Yeah i um ah decompiled the open source G2flv.swf file for all to not have to wonder how to customize your flv player. Thanks alot for all the response. LUV
Posts: 132
about of it's the last of the last ?
I would like me too the last code of G2flv (.fla and .as) for customize plz
Posts: 132
I would like too if possible the last source of plz
because the buffer bug
Posts: 8339
I have newer better versions of the flashVideo and mp3Audio players which will be available for testing very soon.
Posts: 132
Can you send a message to me of about this newer version plz ? and post here too ;)
shivaya, stand-up ;)
Posts: 5
i think it is really shabby how you cant get the source without decompiling the damn thing. wha da deal wit dat? just let em have it. its really no big deal. really.
Posts: 8339
Actually the source is available in svn, but with the new versions they are kinda in limbo.
Just completed first round of code reviews for new players.
Posts: 132
Posts: 32509
what buffer bug?
Enter the Gallery 2 Theme Contest today!
Posts: 132
The bufferTime of player is too much small
Posts: 8339
with this swf, you can set the buffers externally.
flashvideoRenderer.class add a line around line 64:
$flashVars .= '&sb=10&lb=20';
so it would look like this:
$flashVars = 'streamName=' . urlencode($src);
$flashVars .= '&sb=10&lb=20'; // short first pass buffer(sb), and long secondary buffer(lb)
and set your buffers as you like
the new versions will have this also
Posts: 32509
but with a dynamic buffersize that adjusts to the actual transfer rate and movie duration we wouldn't have this problem.
i know, i'm repeating myself
when watching trailsers on your demo page i have the same issue. it's usually not as bad as with the earlier versions of the player, but as long as we use fix buffer sizes we'll have this problem and the result is pretty unsatisfying.
(on the other hand, i'm confident that i'd rarely have this problem on my webhosts server since i usually get huge d/l rates from there).
Enter the Gallery 2 Theme Contest today!
Posts: 8339
When doing a progressive download there is no automatic detection of bitrate or client connection.
Flash Media Server($2500) on the otherhand can detect client connection and adjust the bitrate automatically.
the only article I could find and was aimed at the flash media server crowd.
I'm open to any ideas on how I could implement such a dynamic buffering system.
And hopefully on my new site you don't experience the same unsatisfying experience.
Posts: 32509
i sketched the algorithm for such a transfer rate detection / buffer adjusting code in a previous thread / discussion.
i'll get back to you when i have some time.
and no, don't see any problems on your website. didn't realize that this is your domain, good name and the player there makes me proud to have such excellent flash movie support in g2.
Enter the Gallery 2 Theme Contest today!
Posts: 1
Does anyone know how to customize the Flash FLV Media Player in the Flash components? i cant find an example anywhere that actually works...can sum1 plz help! Action Script Only Plz!!! or if you know where a FLA ZIP file is that has an example of a working customized FLV Player.
Posts: 8339
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