Volunteer theme gallery2 for my websites


Joined: 2006-04-29
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 2006-08-23 16:38


I am looking for volunteer(s) to theme gallery2 for my websites, GANTdesigns.com and BuufDesigns.com. I am currently managing GANTdesigns and releasing BuufDesigns soon.

It has been hard managing GANTdesigns because everything is done manually such as adding, updating, and deleting designs. Don't forget about creating new pages, it sucks. I think gallery2 is the best choice to use, but needing a volunteer to theme it.

Note: Both websites have farily amount of visitors, about 100 - 200 unique and 10 - 20 returning visitors a day.

You will credited on the credits page and if you want, you can be a moderator in my forums. That's all I can offer.

Everything done in GANTdesigns is voluntary. It's a little project of mine with my friend.

Any takers? Thanks!