Newbie in need of some help


Joined: 2006-08-24
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-24 14:28

Hi there!

I am trying to customize the siriux theme to work with Lightbox2 ( ) instead of displaying a separate PhotoPage.
I already managed to clone the theme, and it returns me also the appropriate CSS and javascripts.

The problem I encounter is, that on the Album-Page the links should display something like

a href="/subdir/image.jpg" rel="lightbox[AlbumTitle]" title="ItemTitel"

I just cannot figure out how to find the correct link to the image - not the original, but the resized image that normally gets displayed on a PhotoPage. I only could find the link including with, hight and so on, but not just the pure link. The AlbumTitle and the ItemTitle I could finde - but for the rest I am totally lost.

Needless to say, that I am not an expert in PHP.... - so if anyone can help, I would really appreciate! Thanks in advance!