The keyword albums feature is useful, but it splits on white space, no semi-colons. The change on how to get it to split on semi-colons has been posts in the forums, but I don't know if the author of the module is planning on making the change to the module.
Anyone know if this module is still in development? What the "proper" way to get this fix made? Can I just make the fix, test it, then commit the change to the repository? I would think not.
Posts: 7
what's wrong with splitting on white space? flickr tags are split by white space as well - if you want to add more than one word in a tag you just use quotes
Posts: 21
because I use IPTC keywords, not tags. The IPTC keywords are imported into the keyword field, and those are used to generate the keyword albums. There are standards for IPTC keywords, and quotes when spaces are used is not in the standard.
It would be better if ITPC information was imported into an ITPC info table, but that probably not happening soon, so for now, we use the Gallery keywords field. Maybe the import routine should check for white space and add the quotes, which seems like a decent alternative.
Posts: 21
One question about the keyword albums: when does the keyword albums dropdown update? I edit a photo and change a keyword, but the keyword dropdown doesn't update. Thanks.
Posts: 7
do you mean IPTC keywords?
Posts: 21
yes, sorry about the typo.
Posts: 8601
I am the author of the module.. I made it basically to show how the new dynamic albums feature works, in hopes that someone else will then develop a full "tags" module with all the bells and whistles people will want. So I don't really plan to expand this module.. but I can put in little fixes if needed. Spaces vs comma vs semicolon isn't really an obvious choice, so not sure what to change there.
The keyword dropdown refreshes once per day.
Posts: 46
Splitting the keyword module in a keyword and a virtual albums module could be senseful:
I think the keywords should be separated by semicolon by default, too. E.g. the common application PixVue writes IPTC and XMP metadata as well and separates the keywords by semicolon.
Useful hints how to handle with keywords (could be useful for the tag module):
‘colour’ and ‘color’
because we don't think about plurals, case or ambiguity very carefully.
Full list with more hints on creating/searching keywords: http://www.thirdlight.com/downloads/Metadata_whitepaper.pdf (especially have a look at page 3)
(unfortunately IPTC and XMP keywords doesn't support taxonomy like Drupal does ;) )
Posts: 132
Very good so far. I have not had a chance to test this yet since I just got a new job. But I will keep this thread in monitor and add some help soon as I can.
So my question is. should there be a standard on how to handle keyword, or is an adjustable/configable system too much work?
Posts: 27
What's IPTC? And are we still talking about mindless' module with my cloud patch or are we talking about an entirely new module?
Posts: 27
I think I may lack the gallery experience to port the existing keywordalbum module to the tags module. Looking into it I'm not understanding the relationship between the API and the backend database. Specifically, I need to figure out how to create a new table of tags and also to add a tag field to the picture item.
Posts: 8601
here are the basic steps.. look at existing code as examples to help make sense of this:
1. classes/Maps.xml file to define your table(s)
2. do 'make' in classes directory to build GalleryStorage/schema.tpl file and Maps.inc file
Now when you install (or upgrade) your module it will create the table(s) in the db. You can use GalleryCoreApi::addMapEntry, updateMapEntry, removeMapEntry, getMapEntry to interact with the db/tables. There's also $gallery->search for writing your own queries (syntax for a column is [MyMap::myColumn] (G2 will then add the table/column prefixes).. but getMapEntry will be enough for basic queries on just your table. hope this helps..
Posts: 21
umm, it appears that if a keyword is enclosed in quotes, the keyword album parses on white space anyways and ignores the quotes.
Posts: 8601
yes, that's right.
Posts: 3
This is my first post to this forum and first modification to gallery code so forgive
my dumbness ...
I've grabbed SVN version of gallery2 and tweaked a bit keyalbum module to support tagclouds. Thanks to
mindless work it was quite easy: http://www.czardybonREMOVE.net/tmp/gallery22/main.php?g2_itemId=69 (remove REMOVE
from link).
The patch is here: http://czardybonREMOVE.net/tmp/gallery2-tagcloud.patch (remove REMOVE from link).
By the way: I'd like my workflow of publishing photos to gallery to look as follows:
- I add all metadata (EXIF/XMP) to photos (with PixVue - http://www.pixvue.com - for example),
- I upload them resized to the server (I preserve EXIF/IPTC/XMP
data while resizing)
- I import photos to gallery and never want to modify such values as
keywords and photos titles in gallery - they must be imported from
the photo itself so I update a title only once and have that description
in all places.
What is currently lacking in gallery2.2-svn to support my workflow:
- I can't import anything to gallery's Title,
- pixvue perceives IPTC/ObjectName as image title ...
So here is another patch - to the exif module which allows to import any image description as currently defined in exif module plus IPTC/ObjectName to gallery's image title.
http://czardybonREMOVE.net/tmp/gallery2-import-exif-to-title-and-support-iptc-objectname.patch (remove REMOVE).
If I can do anything to help make these patches into SVN then let me know ...
And please allow me for second digression: there is a problem (this *must*
always be an issue) with polish letters (transfer IPTC data inserted by
pixvue to gallery2).
I've had to put the following in the end of ExifHelper's postProcessValue
to fix it - I don't much about UTF to say if there should be any general way of solving it or if it is pixvue's or gallery problem:
$value = iconv("WINDOWS-1250", "UTF-8", iconv("UTF-8", "", $value));
Best regards,
Bartlomiej Czardybon
Posts: 8601
looks great! I hope you'll continue to contribute
good job adding the tag cloud as a block option.. looks like we can add that in after a few changes:
looks like maxCloudFontEnlargement is hardcoded at 5.. maybe make that a block parameter that defaults to 5 (you don't have to add it in blocks.inc as a user-configurable param, but make it available as a g->block param).
in the tpl I think you could use keyword=`$keyword.name` instead of {assign var="keyword_name"
probably we'll need upgrade code to clear existing keywords module params.. otherwise you could get the new version and set the showCloud option but the extra data wouldn't be in the cached keyword list.
my remaining feedback is just to meet our style guidelines: var names are $camelCase so $keyword_count should be $keywordCount and $newkeyword should be $newKeyword. we also try to use descriptive names, so maybe $nk and $kw could be renamed, but not vital.
(btw, I only looked at the tag cloud patch so far)
Posts: 46
Wow, GREAT work!!
Indeed ... thats the reason I'm still using Coppermine Gallery. I file all my pictures with Keywords and Titles (with PixVue) and don't want to manually change item titles after uploading.
EDIT: In this thread there is a patch which imports IPTC.ObjectName as title, too. Here is a small comparison which program uses IPTC title, caption, keywords.
Hopefully both patches come into the SVN.
(sorry for the SPAM, but I was happy reading this ... )
Posts: 3
Thanks for feedback
. I'll post here reviewed versions of both patches in a few days.
Posts: 5
I had an unreachable server error when attempting to download your patch http://czardybonREMOVE.net/tmp/gallery2-import-exif-to-title-and-support-iptc-objectname.patch so I created my own patch based on the EXIF/IPTC patch posted by Imegilol
This patch enables;
* Gallery Item Title - is set to IPTC/ObjectName
* Gallery Item Summary - is set to IPTC Caption, or if null is set to EXIF Description, or if null is set to EXIF User Comment
* Gallery Item Description - is set to IPTC Special Instructions, or if null is set to Item Summary above
* Gallery Item Keywords - are set to IPTC Keywords
More details on the patch are posted here
Posts: 8601
czar, the feature-freeze date for 2.2 is coming up soon so I went ahead and added your patch for keyword cloud into svn, with the changes I suggested. thanks for the contribution!
Posts: 3
Thanks for fixing that although I've just yesterday noticed your post after twiddling with
suggested changes ... never mind
While playing with tagclouds I've found one problem nonexistent with keywords in dropdown list: as you
add more keywords your tagcloud can get unacceptably big.
I would add another parameter to keyword block: maxTagsInCloud with reasonable
default, probably theme dependable or modifiable by user. It should - of course - show
only most common tags.
Patch is trivial although I use function array_natsort which I don't know where to put
and I'm not sure how I add user modifiable parameter - if You like it then please modify
the patch in these two places.
One more thing in my code is that if the parametere is 0 then I don't apply the limit - I don't know
what is gallery's policy on such magic values.
http://czardybonREMOVE.net/tmp/gallery2-maxtagsincloud.patch (remove REMOVE word from the link!!)
Best regards,
Posts: 59
Hi guys
I've just come across this thread and the keyword album sounds ideal.
I have been trying to put a similar module together too. In essence, I want Gallery to have a link by a picture (in the block maybe) which will send a search query based on the image's keywords in Gallery to Alamy Images to effectively search my account on their site and display the same / similar images in a new window.
Basically, it's linking to Alamy but keyword specific.
There's a thread about this with some ideas / code here: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/54882
Having seen your work already on the keyword idea, might this Alamy link be an easy addition?
Would love to know your thoughts.
Robert Hollingworth
Posts: 7
This feature is exactly the reason I came to the Gallery forums, good job!
I can't tell, from the discussion, though, if there is any way to use these keyword tags in combination to create dynamic galleries...
Example, let's say I want to see all pictures tagged 'David' or all pictures tagged 'Miami', I can tell that this module will do it.
What if I wanted to see all pictures tagged 'David' AND 'Miami'?
How hard would it be to handle that?
Posts: 7
Oh! Another question: does this module let you automatically add a set of tags to all images in a particular Album? Either at upload time, or later? I can see that you can do it to an image one image at a time, but can you do it to all images in the Album?
And when you are adding tags, can you add more than one tag at a time, using some sort of delimited list, or must you add them one tag at a time?
Posts: 8601
you can put both 'David' and 'Miami' in the keywords for an item.. it will then show up in a keyword album for either word. you can't request a keyword album for only items with both keywords. click 'edit captions' in an album to edit keywords for many items. these are not tags, this is just a dynamic album based on a query of the keywords field. separate multiple keywords with space, comma or semicolon.
Posts: 7
Thanks! If I read the Flickr Tags thread that this one came out of correctly, the search against the keyword field uses like '%$keyword%'. If wondering if there is anyway to indicate in the URL, or through POST that multiple keywords are being passed, such that the query can be built.
Since keywords are stored in a delimited format (comma, space or semicolon), we could use the same character right in the URL to denote a multidimensional dynamic keyword album.
What would then be needed is to do a quick check to see if the keyword were delimited. If it is, we parse the compound keyword to extract individual keywords into an array and then...:
$where should now be
That ought to yield the result of mutlidimensional keyword album. If $keywords is a single word like 'David' (i.e. the current method), it would yield:
I am guessing that this second type of WHERE is what is being generated now?
Posts: 8601
a patch to the current code is welcome...
Posts: 7
Ok, sounds good. Will do.
I've downloaded the latest nightly build, and installed it. I think I know where in KeywordAlbum.inc I need to make my changes.
I've created a couple of standard albums, and applied keywords to them, as well as the images within them, so I'm ready to work.
Now all I need to know is something basic: how do I define a Keyword Album?
I'll submit my changes as soon as I can.
Posts: 8601
just make a request with the right parameters.. main.php?g2_view=keyalbum.KeywordAlbum&g2_keyword=test
Posts: 7
Hi Mindless.
I had a chance to hack on the KeyAlbum a bit today, and was able to get it working. The changes were pretty simple, as I suspected.
I did it such that the keyword delimiter is the semicolon, since that is easy to parse. So, for example, to get a Key Album with all images labeled both David and John, you would go to main.php?g2_view=keyalbum.KeywordAlbum&g2_keyword=david;john
I didn't do anything about case-sensitivity, since that is already ahandled elsewhere, apparently.
The changes amount to adding six lines of code, and editing one, all within KeyAlbum.inc::getChildIds()
I would prefer NOT to publish the address of my test implementation gallery site, though, so I am PMing it to you here:
[[redacted URL]]
Please take a look and see what you think.
I've only got the one gallery up right now, but testing seems solid.
How do I submit my patch?
Posts: 8601
you can attach diffs here or submit a patch on sf.net/projects/gallery
Posts: 7
Here you go. Let me know if there are any concerns.
Posts: 8601
shouldn't the } be after $liketerm = implode....., i don't think you need to call buildItemQuery once per keyword. also maybe use one array_merge call instead of a foreach+array_unshift.
Posts: 7
Good catch, I shouldn't be calling buildItemQuery() repeatedly.
In fact, upon further reflection, the closing bracket should be even earlier. There is no more need to continually implode the array $liketerms into $liketerm than there was to repeatedly call GalleryCoreApi::buildItemQuery.
As far as the array_unshift() goes... For fun, I did some profiling of the differences between using array_unshift, array merge and array concatenation. I used the US Declaration of Independence as a source document for array strings, and built three identical target arrays and one addarray out of randomly selected words from the declaration.
Interestingly, given identical (VERY large) target arrays, using array_merge is approximately 800 times faster than repeated unshifts. However, unsurprisingly, using $result = $firstarray + $secondarray was roughly twice as fast as array_merge(). This is because array_merge is interested in more contraints than concatenation, and so can't run as quickly.
These performance differences don't really dissappear when you get to smaller arrays (size 50 or so). It just becomes less of a concern.
In any case, while it appears that, at least in the case of string arrays of the size we are talking about, that direct array concatenation is faster, I agree that array_merge() is a clearer, less confusing way to state the operation. For our purposes, we are talking about a loss of approximately 6 milliseconds or so.
That said, here is the newly tested version:
David Serhienko
Posts: 27
anybody having a problem with 10/18 snapshot code? After successfull install it just shows a blank page at main.php. After troubleshooting it here: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/55956 , I tried stable 2.1.2 and it worked fine. When was the last working snapshot?
Posts: 8601
current svn working fine, afaik. not sure what the question has to do with keyword albums.
Posts: 8601
David, thanks for the patch. I took that and expanded on it a bit.. in r14926 the characters to separate multiple keywords are now configurable in site admin. You pick any combination of semicolon, comma and space. So now you can have spaces in your keywords unless you check space here to use space as a separator.
The same set of separator characters is used on the given keyword string for the Keyword Album view, and David's code above then ANDs those together for the query.
Posts: 27
I think I found a bug in the keyword album module. I'm using svn 2.2 14966(maybe. I did an svn update on 10/24). See the following URL. There is two pics tagged with 'rachael' and 6 or so tagged with 'baltimore'. However, baltimore doesn't show up in the keyword album drop down or the cloud. The settings for both the list and the cloud are to display everything, not just the current.
http://thewilliaRE.MOVEmsfamily.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=2490 <--take out 'RE.MOVE'
Posts: 8601
visit site admin / keyword albums and make sure the keyword separators you want to use are selected.
Posts: 27
only the comma and semi-colon are selected. All my keywords are comma delimited.
Posts: 8601
that is odd. are there more photos than those 2 with rachael keyword if you login as admin? (or did you use the "only public items" option for the block?) does increasing the number of keywords shown in the block make "baltimore" appear?
for testing you might edit keyalbum/Callbacks.inc, find "3600 * 24" and change it to "0".. this will make it refresh the list of keywords every time instead of caching the keyword list for a day.
Posts: 27
i could have sworn i responded to this to confirm the 3600*24 code change to 0 worked but i guess it didnt go through. OK, so the code change worked. there was no max keywords set and there were no more rachael photos in existance.
Posts: 27
on to my second comment. So how about we implement writing keywords to IPTC then? I found this php api that will read and write to exif/iptc/xmp --> http://www.ozhiker.com/electronics/pjmt/index.html. However I then found a link on that website to a thread on this forum where someone claimed that the API is already used by gallery --> http://gallery.menalto.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=24029&highlight=popular&sid=7ffc97768b8a1af267f2d384104d5236
So, if so, how do I call it and I'll try to post a patch to write new keywords to IPTC?
Posts: 8601
no, G2 doesn't have the ability to write exif or iptc.
Posts: 4
I've installed the nightly snapshot on a test site. I've been using G2 since it was first released and have been annoyed by the lack of boolean searching. Keyword Albums are a great fast way of navigating and "adventuring" though a gallery.. Are there any plans on being able to 'add' keywords to the selection? PhpWebGallery has awonderful implementation of this feature.
I have an example hosted on my site:
I will only have the link up for a week or two. I'm not planning on using PhpWebGallery, too few features.
On the left under Related Links it set a plus sign next to each link and adds them as filter to the current selection. Clicking on the word itself shifts focus to just that word.
Posts: 32509
you can add keywords in "edit photo -> general", but that's not very tag-like, i know.
you probably want a AJAX interface on the album / photo page itself to add tags. or at least a "edit tags" / "add tag" action.
noone's working on this. you're welcome to file a feature request or submit a patch.
Posts: 4
Sorry for the confusion.. I meant add tags as a selection filter..
Allison = all pictures of Allison
Soccer = all soccer pictures
Allison+Soccer = Only pictures with Allison and Soccer in the keywords feilds.
I'm mentioning it here because it is currently in beta for the next release..
If I can't have boolean search.. I'm hoping for boolean Keywords Albums! ;)
Posts: 40
This would also be a nice way of implementing ratings filtering (show me photos that are only G, PG, PG-13 or show me only photos that are work-safe). It would be nice to be able to set a filter on another album (either Dynamic or standard), so that, for example, if I created a gallery that was Allison+Soccer, I could add a filter on top of that to show only playoff games. Not positive how this looking from a UI standpoint.
Posts: 8601
current svn already does AND keywords, based on the patch from David Serhienko above.
Posts: 7
Hello, wonderful to see this module is getting into working order - one question though: does the Keyword Albums module in the recently released 2.2 rc work with keywords on individual images in the gallery? I can only seem to get it to assign keywords to entire albums (which I guess would make sense with the name) but that's not what I was expecting.. is there any way to get this most recent gallery release to act like MatthewT_01's example?
Posts: 8601
'edit photo' / General tab has keywords. or better: 'edit captions' for an album.