"no graphics toolkits enabled" error with imagemagick/netbpm tested and activated


Joined: 2006-08-25
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-25 08:39

Gallery version (not just "2"): 2.1.2 typical install package, downloaded 08-25-06
PHP version (e.g. 4.3.11): 4.4.4
Webserver (e.g. Apache 1.3.33): apache 1.3.29
Database (e.g. MySql 4.0.11): mysql 4.1.1
Activated toolkits (e.g. NetPbm, GD): netpbm, imagemagick, NO GD
Operating system (e.g. Linux): freebsd
Browser (e.g. Firefox 1.0): firefox

I have a gallery 1 install that has worked for more than a year on my apache webserver using netpbm as the thumbnail resizer.

Tonight I installed the typical install package of 2.1.2, intending to migrate my albums from my 1.x version of gallery. Part of that tutorial has instructions to setup a graphics toolkit. My installation of php does not have GD linked into it, and as i've mentioned, my G1 installation uses netbpm just fine.

I verified permissions for netpbm execution and ran the tests for that package:

NetPBM binary test results
Binary Name Pass/Fail
pnmscale Passed
pnmcut Passed
pnmfile Passed
pnmcomp Passed
pnmflip Passed
jpegtopnm Passed
pnmtojpeg Passed
giftopnm Passed
ppmtogif Passed
ppmquant Passed
pngtopnm Passed
pnmtopng Passed
tifftopnm Passed
pnmtotiff Passed
bmptopnm or bmptoppm Failed
Error messages: File does not exist
ppmtobmp Failed
Error messages: File does not exist
ppmquant Passed

Although your NetPBM installation is not completely functional, you can still use it for the mime types listed below.
Supported MIME Types

The NetPBM module can support files with the following MIME types:


So netpbm doesnt actually pass with flying colours, but jpeg operations appear to be working.

I also have imagemagick on my server, so I configured and tested that:

mageMagick binary test results
Binary Name Pass/Fail
identify Passed
convert Passed
composite Passed

ImageMagick 6.2.9
Supported MIME Types

The ImageMagick module can support files with the following MIME types:


So far so good right?

In following the migration instructions I got to the point where I'm instructed to create an album and upload an image to make sure everything is working okay.

When I click "add image" in my new album I see a checkbox at the bottom of the upload form with the following text: "Create thumbnails now" .. This text seems to indicate that one or more of the graphics toolkits is properly installed. Yet when I check this checkbox and upload the image, there is not a thumbnail created.

Next I selected the 'edit photo' item underneath the non-thumbnail for the jpeg I just uploaded and now I see this text at the bottom of the form: "There are no graphics toolkits enabled that support this type of item, so we cannot create or modify a thumbnail."

So I've searched around on that topic for a bit and tried the various suggested solutions. One thread suggested a user had an older version of php, my box had 4.1.something so I installed the latest version of that (without GD because I didnt want to fetch the GD libs just for G2 to work). Another item in the known issues page mentioned trying to deactivate/uninstall/reactivate the different image packages and see if having just one activated worked for whatever options you have, and then if that fails, see if having multiple toolkits activated but switching up their priority. No dice.

I have uploaded various debug dumps to a subfolder on my webserver: http://blunx.no-ip.com/jason/g2debug/

The "uploadform.html" is the upload form showing the checkbox option to create the thumbnail and associated debug dump data.

The "afterupload.html" is the debug page that comes up after the upload is completed.

The "editphoto.html" is the edit form showing the message about no image toolkits being configured and associated debug data.

And, The "debugconsoleeditphoto.html" is the debug data that showed up in the debug console when I clicked on edit photo.

What should I do from here? Where can I look in the DB to verify that one or both of the image toolkits are correctly configured as 'activated'? Where can I look in the DB to verify that the jpg mime type is setup for one of the activated image toolkits?