Creating custom blocks (php nuke 6.5, gallery 1.3.3)


Joined: 2003-03-21
Posts: 90
Posted: Mon, 2003-04-07 18:39

I'm trying to create the 3 custom blocks located on this site for random image, top albums, and last updates.

For every custom block that I use a seperate block-Blockname.php file located in the blocks directory, and using <? include..... I get a failed to create stream error (no such file or directory) on init.php. Not just these files, but ANY custom blocks I make where I try to include the real code that is located in the gallery directory.

My gallery directory is /modules/Screensavers (I always make sure to use the right case on the "S", so it's not that).

My question is, when I make a custom block using these files, do I have to make a seperate block-Blockname.php file and include it? Or can I simply put the include in the contents box of the custom block?

Please help, this is driving me insane. I'd really like all three of these blocks.

dmolavi's picture

Joined: 2002-12-05
Posts: 573
Posted: Tue, 2003-04-08 12:51

this is more of a php/post-nuke question than gallery question.
but, you need to make sure that all your permissions are set properly, and that (if it's based off of the regular gallery module), that you have your block in the "safe to include" section in one of the config files for gallery.