I am using the joomla with the gallery component included with gallery to integrate it into JOOMLA.
My template is causing problems giving gallery more room to present the albums. I have selected "Hide Right-hand modules:". And this hides the right hand side but does not allow the middle to expand to the right hand edge of the window.
Basically this is my setup:
<div id="sidebar-l">
<div class="inside">
Bla di bla lefthand side
<div id="main-body">
<div id="content">
<div class="inside-content">
BLa die Bla gallery stuff
The index.php file does a check to see if a right side module exists (which it does, but it is hidden):
<?php if ( mosCountModules( 'right' ) <= 0 ) { ?>
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
#main-body {width:80%;}
<?php } ?>
Is there a way of telling the index.php file that a page is being generated for gallery so it can set the #content to 100%?
Posts: 347
you can modify the index.php of your Joomla template to hide the right hand modules when Gallery is loaded.
Here is an example from my Joomla template:
Please note that this code depends on your template
I hope that helps.