where to put the symlink in Joomla


Joined: 2006-09-30
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2006-10-02 15:27


I try to make the images which in the albums avaible in Joomla version 1.0.11 stable.

Gallery2 is in subdirectory named gallery2.
in the faq is written that i must make a symlink if a want to use the images in Joomla avaible.

My question is : where must ik make the symlink ?


Joined: 2004-04-08
Posts: 347
Posted: Mon, 2006-10-02 20:53

you can use the G2 Image chooser Editor plugin to use your Gallery2 images in Joomlas content.
Screenshots: http://www.gallery-addons.com/Gallery-Addons/Component/Embedding_Gallery2/5/
Instuctions for Joomla: http://g2image.steffensenfamily.com/index.php?title=Joomla



Joined: 2006-09-30
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2006-10-03 09:21


I installed the Editor plugin, but i doesn't work.

This is my config.php
// Configuration File for Gallery 2 Image Chooser
// Version 2.0
// By Kirk Steffensen - http://g2image.steffensenfamily.com/
// Released under the GPL version 2.
// A copy of the license is in the root folder of this plugin.

// Change the extensions inside the parentheses to define "valid" image
// extensions.

$g2ic_image_ext_regex = '@(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|svg)$@i';

// NOTE: WordPress users should change all of the remaining settings using the
// "G2Image Popup Options" admin panel in WordPress.

// If $g2ic_use_full_path is set to FALSE (default setting - in EMBEDDED MODE
// OPERATIONS at the bottom of this file), then $g2ic_gallery2_path is
// the path from your web root directory to your Gallery2 directory.
// Example: If your Gallery2 homepage is www.domain.com/gallery2/main.php,
// then g2ic_gallery2_path is "gallery2/".
// Make sure you include the trailing forward slash.
// If $g2ic_use_full_path is set to TRUE, then $g2ic_gallery2_path is
// the full directory path to your Gallery2 directory.
// Example: /usr/username/public_html/gallery2/
// Make sure you include the trailing forward slash.

$g2ic_gallery2_path = "/gallery2/";

// Set the language for the main g2image popup window.
// There must be a corresponding xx.php file in the g2image/langs/ directory.
// If there is not a corresponding xx.php file, en.php will be loaded.

$g2ic_language = 'en';

// Change this for more/fewer images per page

$g2ic_images_per_page = 15;

// This sets the default view. If set to TRUE, titles and filenames will be
// displayed. If set to FALSE, the thumbnails will be displayed in a table
// style.

$g2ic_display_filenames = FALSE;

// This sets the default alignment option. Valid options are 'none',
// 'g2image_normal', 'g2image_float_left', 'g2image_float_right',
// 'g2image_centered', and one of the class names entered in the custom classes
// below. Using 'none' will result in inserting an img tag with no class
// attribute. See README.TXT for implementing CSS to support the g2image
// classes necessary for this option.

$g2ic_default_alignment = 'none';

// You can define custom class names for your img tag. If these are set to
// anything other than 'not_used', they will be available under the
// alignment/class selector. You can make it the default class by entering it
// in $g2ic_default_alignment above.

$g2ic_custom_class_1 = 'not_used';
$g2ic_custom_class_2 = 'not_used';
$g2ic_custom_class_3 = 'not_used';
$g2ic_custom_class_4 = 'not_used';

// This sets the default URL for the Custom URL option.

$g2ic_custom_url = 'http://';

// Change this to determine where the alignment class will be inserted.
// Valid options are 'img' to have it inserted as <img class=...> or
// 'div' to have it inserted as <div class=...><img ...>.
// If you choose 'div', you will have to manually delete any <div> tags manually
// after deleting images from the TinyMCE window.
// This setting will not affect <wpg2> tags, which are always wrapped with a
// <div> tag, if using g2image alignment classes for the <wpg2> tags.

$g2ic_class_mode = 'img';

// Change this to change the default settings for the "Results of clicking on an
// image:" option. Valid settings are 'one_click_insert' and
// 'show_advanced_options'.

$g2ic_click_mode = 'one_click_insert';

// Change this to determine if the user will have the option to determine
// the settings for the the "Results of clicking on an image:" option. Set this
// to FALSE to prevent users from being able to change the settings.

$g2ic_click_mode_variable = TRUE;

// Change this to change the default "How to Insert" option. Valid options are
// 'thumbnail_image', 'thumbnail_album', 'thumbnail_custom_url', 'thumbnail_only',
// 'link_image', 'link_parent', and 'drupal_g2_filter'.

$g2ic_default_action = 'thumbnail_image';

// Change this to change the default sort order. Valid options are 'title_asc',
// 'title_desc', 'name_asc', 'name_desc', 'mtime_desc' (modification time,
// newest first), and 'mtime_asc' (modification time, oldest first).

$g2ic_sortby = 'title_asc';

// This section applies to embedded mode operations, other than WPG2.
// If you have embedded your Gallery2 in another application (Drupal, Joomla
// etc.), then you'll need to configure the following info to get G2Image to
// create correctly fomatted links for your application.
// WPG2 users are already covered by communications between G2Image and
// WPG2, so you do not need to set these parameters.
// The key for users of other platforms is to make sure that your settings here
// match the embedded settings in your platform. This will result in img URLs
// that will work well in your embedded application.

// Set $g2ic_embedded_mode to TRUE to enable embedded mode operations.

$g2ic_embedded_mode = TRUE;

// If your Gallery2 main.php is in a different subdomain than G2Image,
// you must set $g2ic_use_full_path to TRUE, and enter the full directory path
// to Gallery2 in $g2ic_gallery2_path. However, G2Image by itself
// does not support Gallery2 being in a different subdomain. You must use
// another program with Gallery2 in embedded mode (like Drupal or Joomla)
// with Gallery2 URL rewrite rules properly configured to redirect the resulting
// link to Gallery2 in the other subdomain. That is why this setting is located in
// If $g2ic_embedded_mode is set to FALSE, $g2ic_use_full_path must also be
// set to false and the proper path must be entered into $g2ic_gallery2_path.

$g2ic_use_full_path = TRUE;

// $g2ic_gallery2_uri is the URL of your Gallery2 main page.
// For example, if your Gallery2 main page is
// http://www.domain.com/gallery2/main.php
// then
// $g2ic_gallery2_uri = 'http://www.domain.com/gallery2/main.php';

$g2ic_gallery2_uri = 'http://roelof.tamarawobben.nl/gallery2/main.php';

// $g2ic_embed_uri is the URL of your embedded page.
// For example, if your embedded page is
// http://www.domain.com/wordpress/wp-gallery2.php
// then
// $g2ic_embed_uri = 'http://www.domain.com/wordpress/wp-gallery2.php';

$g2ic_embed_uri = 'http://roelof.tamarawobben.nl//index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=26';

// If you are using Drupal and have the Gallery2 Filter module activated, you
// can insert a G2 Filter in the simplest format: [G2:itemid]. If you want to
// make this the default action, set $g2ic_default_action to 'drupal_g2_filter'.
// Set this to TRUE to enable.

$g2ic_drupal_g2_filter = FALSE;

// Set the Drupal G2 Filter prefix here

$g2ic_drupal_g2_filter_prefix = G2;


Can you see what i have done wrong ??
