Carbon theme and language


Joined: 2006-10-28
Posts: 13
Posted: Sat, 2006-10-28 10:54

Im using carbon theme. But i cant change the site or theme language! I have installed gallery with en, but i want to change default language to turkish, but i cant. I cant see default language anywhere in theme section. How can do this?
thanks in advance

nicafotosdotcom's picture

Joined: 2006-10-27
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2006-11-09 18:38
yyassaman wrote:
Im using carbon theme. But i cant change the site or theme language! I have installed gallery with en, but i want to change default language to turkish, but i cant. I cant see default language anywhere in theme section. How can do this?
thanks in advance

To change the default language you need to do the following:

1. Login as administrator
2. Select "Site Admin"
3. Once the Admin page opens select "general" under "admin options"
4. Under "language settings" for default language select turkish
5. If you do not want the system to change languages based on the browser un check "Check Browser Preference"
6. Save your changes

If you want to give the user an option to change the language then you can add a hyperlink switch to the ads.tpl file. Look at, I offer the user a chance to select a language at the top right part of the site.
