I am sure these have already been posted here, or they are simple and stupid. But I have 2 issues.
My gallery is http://www.skoymedia.com/photogallery
I am running gallery 2.1.2
First Issue:
When navigating to my gallery, it auto redirects, and changes the url to http://skoymedia.com/photogallery
I would like for the www to stay in front of the domain name or better yet, have a subdomain point to that. Having http://photos.skoymedia.com/ be the actual url. I have added the subdomain, but it doesn't want to work.
Second Issue:
This is an e-mail issue. I have users registering, however when the app sends the mail, It shows up with a blank "From" and has the following as the body of the message. The main issue here is getting a "From" to show up in the e-mail, but is it also possible to remove the header?
X-Qmail-Scanner-1.25st: added fake MIME-Version header
MIME-Version: 1.0
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@First Issue::
you can set the baseUri in cnfig.php to that url.
but first you need to disable and uninstall the url rewrite module. then change the baseUri, then install the rewrite module again.
@Second Issue::
some email readers (e.g. outlook express) seem to have a related bug. we'll change the related code in g2.2 to work around this bug.