font-size different....

AlainC.'s picture

Joined: 2006-11-13
Posts: 50
Posted: Thu, 2006-11-16 13:40

Hello Everybody,

I'm integrating G2 in my website, everything is working pretty fine so far, but i've some problems matching the font-size between my site pages and the gallery theme pages.

I've noticed a really weird thing:

In my site webpages, wich are made in HTML & CSS, I use this font-size: 20px for the text in the navigation menu and x-large for the headers.
I've customized the slider theme, worked on the theme.css file and I'm using the same parameters (I've customize the slider theme to get the same layup I use for the rest of the site) than the ones above.
The problem is: the letters are displayed on a smaller size in the gallery than in the other pages of the site.
Someone as an idea?

Thanks for your help



Joined: 2005-07-31
Posts: 16
Posted: Sat, 2007-02-03 03:03

I too have seen this; I have integrated my Gallery into Joomla. When I view the Gallery within Joomla it is using a smaller font all around than when I view the Gallery as a stand-along app.

Any ideas?


Joined: 2007-02-15
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2007-11-12 07:22

I have same problem, font size is too small...maybe is a problem with joomla integration? Anyone knows a workaround please? thanks


Udo Kraehenfeld

Joined: 2006-06-01
Posts: 36
Posted: Sun, 2007-11-25 23:36

Try to use

#gallery {font-size: 1.1em !important ;}

in your Jommla template.css