Publish this file on the web in Vista?


Joined: 2004-09-24
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2006-12-03 19:05

Hi all,

Does anyone know where I can find this option for a file in Microsoft Vista? I can install the reg-key from my gallery. I dont know if Vista have this function, It would be very strange if they took away such a good feature.



Joined: 2006-09-13
Posts: 8
Posted: Fri, 2007-01-19 23:45

Check out:
Looks like they discontinued it and I couldn't find anything that replaces it, save to use the Gallery2 "Gallery Remote" java application.


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sat, 2007-02-10 16:30

well it says

Windows Explorer's Web Publishing Wizard has been removed.

but there's the new .
from their blog (

“Can I publish my photos/videos to the web/blog/etc.”
We got this question a lot. This is an area where we still have more work to do. There are no features built into the Windows Vista Photo Gallery for uploading and/or publishing your photos and videos to the web, blog, youtube, myspace, etc. Most of these sites allow you to upload files through your browser, which should still work fine.

so i guess we'll see a replacement at some point.

but i'm a little confused since another user reported that he's been using the publishing wizard in windows vista and it wouldn't work with g2.1.2 but that an upgrade to g2.2 helped. so maybe there's a publishing wizard... or maybe you can download it separately.

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Joined: 2007-02-25
Posts: 15
Posted: Sun, 2007-02-25 23:43

Joined: 2007-06-25
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2007-06-25 01:22
GotzBoost wrote:
Your[url=cialis][/url] fix:

Thanks. But it is not all problem.