[SOLVED] Can I import from G1 to G2, without having G1 installed? Import directly the albums?


Joined: 2004-05-06
Posts: 103
Posted: Mon, 2006-12-25 00:50

I recently had to move to a new hosting, so I decided to install G2 directly. Previously I was using G1.
So I already installed G2 successfully and wanted to import my G1 albums. Do I need to also install G1 to be able to import?
Or is there a way I can just upload the albums and some other data to my server and do an import without having to go through the G1 installation?
Does it make sense?

I really appreciate your help.


floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2006-12-25 03:59

If your G1 worked fine then you should be fine. It might complain about orphaned files. That is why in the direction for migration we ask you to do the orphan test etc.

Durring the import it will import users first, then albums. So your user.dat file needs to be there as well.
So....all you should have to do is transfer the albums dirctory from your old host to the new host and then do a migrate.

If the migration fails then all you have to do is delete the failed imported items and add them manualy.


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