Hi and Merry Christmas.
I've been installing and customizing gallery2 and adding modules over the past few days and I'm quite happy so far.
I installed the "register" module and would like to add a few custom fields and send out that info in the email that the admin receives of new user registration.
I want to do this so that when a user registers for my Gallery they can also chose if they would like to sign up to my newsletter.
I have been able to add text and checkboxes for signing up to the news letter into the UserSelfRegistration.tpl file - i just haven't been able to figure out how to mail out this information like the module does with the email, username, and full name.
I haven't been able to figure out how to do this simply because of my limited coding knowledge - I know how to make a standalone form send information to an email address or database but I haven't been able to figure out where in the register module this happens or how to add code to include the new fields in the email so any help to make this happens will be greatly appreciated.
I think this might be a wicked option to add to the register module (being able to chose "i want to register to the newsletter")
Posts: 56
I'm just checking in to see if you have been able to figure this out yet?
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Posts: 7
I would like to have a Newsletter module also. So you can send your users e html mail with the new pictures in your Gallery2 with some news.
Posts: 344
Does anyone have a solution for this? I too need this.
Posts: 135
I think this would be a great feature to have. At the moment we have no way of mailing users or, perhaps more importantly, specific groups of users.
Posts: 314
just developed a module for extra user fields.
check on http://www.e-poze.ro/g2mods/userdata.tgz
there are some mods for members module to display this info.
serbanc - www.e-poze.ro
Posts: 344
Thanks for working on this. I am a newbie, so I have no idea how to use TGZ files. Also, how exactly do we install this and what other mods do we need to make this work?
Posts: 314
TGZ files are TAR+Gzip archives. like ZIP for windows.
A modern archiver should be able to open TGZ.
You should install the module as any other module on G2
now, assuming that you installed it, configured it, one way for the others to see those extra details is to put them aside basic details in the members module. To do that, you need to modify the files (or to use some plugins, but I am not that advanced
). So, members.tgz is the members module modified to display this extra info.
serbanc - www.e-poze.ro
Posts: 7
Is there now a module that provides a Newsletter for the members in your Gallery2?
Posts: 314
I am using a shell script to send newsletters (very simple, basic)
serbanc - www.e-poze.ro