[Solved]svn-2.2 12/28/06 nightly build installation problem


Joined: 2005-08-20
Posts: 56
Posted: Thu, 2006-12-28 23:32

I installed the nightly build from svn(2.2) on top of existing 2.1 and started the upgrade,
It failed at step 4 wit this error.
I tried last week of so the same installtion and it passed, not sure this is bug in last nights build.
Error: http://pastebin.com/846767http://pastebin.com/846767
Update: I took the nightly build from jpmullan.com.
At the end of the page mentioned above: the error says:
1054: Unknown column 'g2_User.g_locked' in 'field list'

I don't see the column g_locked under g2_User and in some places of the error, it says multisite, This is not multisite.
One more update: g2 nightly downloaded from fw2 has modified version of config.php and also has diff set of file..



Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Fri, 2006-12-29 02:41

the initial error about g2_User.g_locked can be ignored, g2 is ignoring it as well.
there must have been another error, please post the debug output.


Joined: 2005-08-20
Posts: 56
Posted: Fri, 2006-12-29 04:34

I tried again from some other download location instead of fw2.
This worked fine.