Embed - set quota per user


Joined: 2005-10-22
Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 2007-01-03 12:20

What's the easiest way to set the quota for a specific user once I've craeted the user?

I know one way is to set a quota to a group, then associate that use with the group. Is there an easy to set a quota for a user? I notice there is no method in the Embed API.

One obvious way is to insert a record into the QUOTA table, which seems temptingly easy... or is that very dangerous or frowned upon?


Joined: 2009-03-02
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2009-03-02 08:01


pls help me, how to give the quota for users

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Mon, 2009-03-02 14:10