carbon theme - album description css - it's another quick question


Joined: 2003-06-27
Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 2007-01-17 18:49

hi there...

have a few galleries i would like to use the carbon theme on - for my main site gallery i am using pg charcoal.

i have not changed the css in either, but am getting a white background in my album description on the carbon theme - as per this link

if someone can point to the area i need to check - i can probably fix it - i just have trouble tracking these things down.

thanks - janetg

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Wed, 2007-01-17 20:37
margin: 0px; 
color: #000000; 
background: #FFFFFF;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 1em;

Is the cause. Don't know if changing that will change other stuff as well.

I have found 2 tools that are invaluable the firefox browser and the web development tool that allows you to Make live edits to the CSS of a web page..
Once you have them both installed....
select edit css and under the 'information' dropdown check display ID & class details.
Edit your CSS and you will see the results. Once you have this the way you want, upload your edited css to the server.


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Joined: 2003-06-27
Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 2007-01-17 21:47

thanks dave! i tracked it down to the wordpress css...why it's in there, i have no clue - but thank you nonetheless!