Migrating albums from 1.4 to 2.1.2


Joined: 2007-01-17
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2007-01-18 00:15

I'm hoping there is way to do the following...

I'm migrating from Gallery v1.4-pl2 on one web host to a completely different web host, on which I have just installed Gallery 2.1.2.

I should note that I am *not* experienced at all with web servers, but was able to figure my way through the installation for Gallery 2, after uploading the files manually.

On my original web host, the software was automatically configured and installed for the customer by an automation, so I didn't have to know anything about how it worked.

Is there a way of bringing all of my photo albums across from that version 1.4 setup to my new host and version 2.1.2?

Thanks for any help!


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2007-01-18 01:31

best is if you get your g1.4 working on the new host first.
see the migration instructions at documentation -> installation -> migration.

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